Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 weeks

I had my ultrasound this morning to check on my placenta. They found that it is starting to move up and shouldn't pose concerns going forward. But he is going to check it one more time before I deliver just to make sure everything looks good. While I was there they checked measurements of baby girl. Everything looks fantastic, which is all I ever hope for. Just like expected she is still low and in one of the weirdest positions I've ever seen. Her butt is stuck near my pubic bone which might explain some of the discomfort I've been having. From there she is basically folded in half with her head, feet and hands all in my right side. Yeah, my girl is flexible. It was funny to see all of those parts so close together. Because of her odd position we got a lot of feet pictures, but that was about it. We tried to see the girl parts again, just to make sure, but those were even hard to see. We didn't see anything protruding (her word, not mine) from that area so she was pretty sure that baby girl is in fact a girl. Her heartbeat was at 144 and she's weighing in at about 1 pound, 11 ounces. She couldn't be more perfect. I'll try to find a good pic and post it soon.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Speaking of sink bath

Here's a classic of me. I think I was about 3 months or so. My mom's sink is the perfect "sink bath" sink.

Sink bath

When are you too old for the sink bath? Evidently not at 21 months. Michael decided this would be a good idea. I should add that our sink is really not that big. Whatever. She had fun. That's all that matters.

I could not get her to look at me at all. She was having way too much fun with the water. This was the best I got.

Quick baby update - I have an ultrasound appointment tomorrow to check on my low lying placenta. From the feel of things, baby girl is still super low. I'm excited to see what she's doing in there and if there is a reason she likes hanging out so low. I honestly don't think she's made it past my belly button. Addison's feet were always up in my ribs. It's so different this time. And the pelvic discomfort is really starting to bother me. It honestly feels like my pelvic area is just broken. It hurts to sit in the same position for awhile, lay down for an extended period of time and even walk. I feel like an 80 year old with Osteoporosis and everything cracks when I move.

I wouldn't change it for anything.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Addison turned 21 months old on Saturday and I am amazed at some of things that she says. Sometimes I am in awe of how her little mind works. Here's a couple for you to enjoy and some things that I would like to remember.
  • This morning Addison bounced a grape on the table. I told her that we don't throw things. Her response, "basketball mommy".
  • Everyday when I pick Addison up I ask her what she did that day. We go through the list of things - going outside, coloring, playing with friends, etc. And every time I ask her what she had for lunch her answer is "ravioli". Same for dinner. The girl is obsessed with ravioli and I'm not really sure why.
  • "Picking nose". This sums it up. Heard and seen often.
  • She has this wood puzzle with a bunch of different animals on it. Most of them she knows, but I had to teach her about a seal. To do so, I laid on the floor and did my best seal impression. Yeah, it's bad. So now she'll go around clapping her arms together and says "mommy do seal". Not only does she make me do the arm movements, but every now and then I have to throw the legs in to because she is so persistent.
  • The other day we were at a car dealership going over some things in the guys cubicle. Addison proceeded to tell me, Michael and the nice man "poop in pants". I looked at her and she said "go poop in potty". Hey, at least she's getting it.
  • Sometimes we let her run around naked for a few minutes after the potty and before her bath at night. "Nakey, nakey, nakey" is what we hear. The other day I was changing my clothes after work. Addison starting yelling "mommy nakey" as loud as she could.
  • I heard her singing a song one day and asked her what it was. "ABC's" she said. I sat back and listened as she sang almost all of the ABC song and most of it was recognizable.
  • One of my favorite things she does is count. Everyday on the way home we count the boats in the marina near the bridge. I ask her to count the boats and this is her response - "one, three, four, six, seven, nine, ten, eleven, thirteen". What happen to two, five, eight and twelve? Everyone once in awhile she'll stick them in there. And how did she get past ten? For some reason it always makes me giggle.
  • She knows a lot of her stories by memory and loves to finish the sentences when we read to her. Same thing with singing. Every night I sing You are my Sunshine and My Girl to her before bed. Last night I was singing and she started singing along.
  • From early on we taught Addison to blow kisses to someone when they said I love you. She's been doing this for awhile now. But just recently she actually starting saying the words. It's the sweetest I love you I've ever heard. It's always a slight whisper and tends to all run together. It melts my heart.

I guess that's enough for now. Sorry to bore you with all of my mommy memories. I just don't want the time to pass me by. She's growing up so fast and changing everyday. It's all these little things that I want to remember.

*Edited to add two more:

  • "No way Jose". It's something her teacher says instead on just the word no. It is too funny though when I ask Addison to do something and she says it in all seriousness.
  • She talks about Walmart and Chick-fil-a all the time. She truly is my daughter.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Birthday cake

On Saturday we headed to our first birthday party. Two of Addison's little's buddies in school turned two this week. These three have been going to school together since early on and all three of us mama's are having babies within months of each other. It was a bit cold, but the kids had fun. Addison made me sing Happy Birthday about 200 times this past weekend just so she could do the 'you' part. The cake was a big hit at the party and is still being talked about today. (I should add that I enjoyed it as well.)

For the record, my point and shoot camera is broken. It will turn on, but won't take a picture. It was working some of the time, but now it's out. These were the last pics I took. I love having my larger camera, but the small one is so much better for quick pics. I'm searching for a new one today so hopefully I'll be back snapping away soon.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

twinkle twinkle

Addison loves to sing her songs. And it's always at the most random times. I'm surprised at how much of a song she actually knows. Last night her favorite was Wheels on the Bus with hand motions and all. But I think her all time favorite is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Here she is showing off her diamond. That's her favorite part. She'll stop and say "mommy do diamond". I need to get all of this singing on video.

I have to point out the Kelly Pickler promo on the side of the milk carton. For some reason this makes me laugh. Note that this was taken in Tennessee.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

23 week appt

I have to admit I've been a little depressed this week. I went to Publix on Monday and made the mistake of weighing myself. I normally stick to my rule of only being weighed at the doctor's office. So when I saw that I was up 6 lbs for the month I was a little bummed. I thought I was doing better with the weight gain and then it hit me all this month. According to this post (scroll down to Dec 14th) I'm pretty much right where I was with Addison.

Today I was at 124, up 18 lbs so far since I started at 106. The doc actually said that was good. My blood pressure still shows that I'm half dead, which is a good thing. Baby girl's heartbeat was beating strong and nothing was even mentioned about my placenta. That's why I love my doc. He only brings it up if it's important. I go back in four weeks for the dreaded glucose test and then another blood draw to test for the Rh antibodies.

And we're on the schedule to have baby girl on Friday, May 8th. I guess I should check with Michael to see if this is okay with him.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

At least it wasn't the wall

Our new artwork.

Michael has been working late this week. No big deal really, but Addison and I are both used to him being here in the evenings. One of us cooks, the other plays. While I was cooking, Addison was so happy "tapping" on the cabinet. I even glanced at her a couple of times and smiled. At the time I couldn't see the small piece of broken crayon in her hand. Then I realized why she was so smiley. I snapped this with my cell phone because I didn't want to run for the camera and leave her alone. After I emailed it to Michael and cleaned up I realized I missed the pantry door and the dishwasher. We then had the talk about how we only color on paper.

Monday, January 12, 2009

More Christmas Eve

I've had this post sitting in my drafts for a week now. I figured it wouldn't hurt to finally publish it.

Of all the holiday pictures taken, this is the best one of me. And that's not saying much. I look fat and frumpy.

Michael made fun of me for taking all of these "cookie" shots, but it's something that I want to remember even if Addison won't. She was too cute taking bites of Santa's cookies. She even tasted the apple left for the reindeer.

The last shot before bed. I really wanted a fire, but considering it was 80 degrees I didn't think it was a good idea.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

22 weeks

Me and the babe just wanted to say...

G A T O R S ! ! !

Should be a fun night in our house. At least for me.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The paci

We've done pretty good. Addison only uses her paci at naptime and bedtime. Except when we're on vacation. We give it to her on the plane to help her ears to pop. And when you're in a room with 15 people you really don't want a screaming child. So she gets her paci more than I would like her to have when we travel. On this trip she was all about it. And now she knows some of her colors so she would let you know if it was the pink one or the green one that she wanted. That's why most of my pictures look like this. Cute outfit...and paci.

Cute picture on the stairs...and paci.

And this is what you get when mean mommy tries to take it away for a picture. Not so cute.

My goal is to be rid of the thing when she turns 2. Oh that's going to be rough. Hopefully she'll be more than willing to give it to her baby sister.

Christmas in TN

Michael's sister Angela invited us over to make cookies the Tuesday before Christmas. There was a big crew that included her sister-in-law and three kids, Michael's niece and nephews and us. It turned out to be a little messy and a lot of fun.

Hannah, Matthew, Angela and Andrew - The kids were so good to Addison during our trip. They spent a lot of time playing with her and shuffling her around. Addison adores them and had no problem spending time with them. Older cousins are the best!

Playing catch up

Last night I spent two hours going through pictures, editing and organizing. Be prepared for some Christmas fun that I haven't posted yet and a ton of pictures.