The doctor's appointments are so much different with the second baby. You know what to expect (pee in a cup, hop on the scale, blood pressure, belly measurement and heartbeat check) and you really don't have any questions because you've already done it all. Every third visit I get my finger pricked and iron checked (lucky me), which by the way is an indication of how much oxygen the baby is getting. Guess I did learn something new. My iron was really good and I'm weighing in at 136, up 30 pounds to date. Baby's heartbeat was right around 140. She's looking strong and healthy and that's all I can ask for. I was given all of the hospital info for my c-section and now know what to expect. A check in time of 5:30 makes for an early morning.
I'm starting to feel just a 'little' pregnant. The weight gain can be felt in my legs and feet. It just hurts when I stand for too long. My pelvic pain has flared up again and it doesn't feel great. I have to get up and pee at least 3 times a night. I had my first charley horse this pregnancy early Friday morning. You forget how painful those really are. I was screaming it hurt so bad. And what's even worse is the stiffness and pain I'm still feeling 3 days later. I don't normally have allergies, but evidently pregnancy can bring on many new things. The same happen with Addison and they're back in full force. I feel more sorry for those around me that have to listen to me cough all day. And don't forget to add in a couple of Braxton Hicks contractions. I feel like I'm complaining. Really, I'm not. :) I just want to put it all in writing.
Emotionally I feel a little overwhelmed. I feel like I still have so much to do. I'm set on clothes and diapers and that sort of thing, but the organization in my house is a mess and for those who know me know it's driving me nuts! I admit I'm a little bit of a control freak with a splash of OCD mixed in. If I could just get the closets done I would be a happy camper.
But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our new baby girl will be here soon and I can't wait to meet her. I love to feel her moving around and kicking in there. She's definitely getting bigger while her home is getting smaller. Addison is about as sweet as she can be when talking about her new sister and it always makes me smile. I really love being a mommy.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Way behind
So much to blog about, just not enough time. I had a doc appt on Thursday. My friend Shannon came in Thursday night and threw me a kick butt shower this past weekend. My dad is now in town for a week and I still have so much stuff to do at home and at work. I'll be back sometime today with an update.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I was full of smiles
Today is picture day at school. That means that I get to put Addison in a dress for a change. And because I know what works and how to bribe her, I even got to do her hair. It only took a little Caillou on the TV and her paci. Not a bad trade. I was a giddy little school girl when all was done. I was bouncing around the house looking for Michael to show him our sweet little girl. Such a proud moment for me. :)

At least I got her to take the paci out for the pictures. And by the way, we're making progress. Every morning when she wakes up she puts the paci in the sink. Sometime she does ask for it in the afternoons, but Michael and I have been sticking to our guns and only giving it to her at bedtime.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I lost it
Tears of sadness. Tears of joy. Both at the same time.
This morning on the way to school.
Addison: Go to big grandma's house. Big grandma sleeping.
Me: (bawling like a baby, wondering how she can remember that moment) That's right honey. Big grandma was sleeping.
A: Big grandma all better.
Me: Big grandma is in heaven now with Jesus. He's taking care of her.
A: She had boo boo on her belly and now she's all better.
Me: That's right honey. She's all better now.
When I got to school I scooped her out of the car and gave her the biggest hug and kiss that I could. She knew I was emotional. She put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me back. Something about the look in her eyes. So much love.
This morning on the way to school.
Addison: Go to big grandma's house. Big grandma sleeping.
Me: (bawling like a baby, wondering how she can remember that moment) That's right honey. Big grandma was sleeping.
A: Big grandma all better.
Me: Big grandma is in heaven now with Jesus. He's taking care of her.
A: She had boo boo on her belly and now she's all better.
Me: That's right honey. She's all better now.
When I got to school I scooped her out of the car and gave her the biggest hug and kiss that I could. She knew I was emotional. She put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me back. Something about the look in her eyes. So much love.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Best dollar I ever spent
I have a problem. I love the dollar store. I never really find what I'm looking for, but I always seem to walk out with a ton of crap. This time it was stuff for Addison - coloring books, crayons, card games. But the highlight was the purse.
Addison takes that thing with her everywhere. She has it stuffed with her sunglasses, camera, a couple of fake lipsticks and her bead necklace. And I love when she puts in on her arm and says "just like mommy" and heads towards the door.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Spring is coming
I love the fact that we have more daylight. I don't feel restricted to the house after 6 o'clock. Bike rides and walks have been happening all week. And the sandbox is being used again.
Addison insist on having her shoes off when she plays in the sand.

Then my independent toddler insist on putting them back on when she's done.
I have not been participating in a lot of the outside activities this week because I've been trying to finish up some organizing. However, I did go on the bike trek last night. I'm afraid it may be my last. I had to stop to raise my seat up because my legs were hitting my belly when I pedaled. And I don't even want to think about how much my butt hurt when I got off. I think I'll stick with the walking.
Addison insist on having her shoes off when she plays in the sand.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
8 weeks left
A little twist on my belly pic. I actually have clothes on! A dress at that. I don't wear them much because I feel like they make me look larger, both in the front and in the back. Especially in the back. And let's face it. It's just harder to shave my legs nowadays. So if you see me in a dress then you know that I've made the effort to bend over and at least get up to my knee.
I checked in at the doctor this morning. Nothing really new to report. Baby's heart rate was at 142 and she's measuring good. The scale was kind to me, only moving up 2 pounds in two weeks. That's 133 now. I can tell that the weather change is making my rings and shoes a little tighter, but no official swelling yet. I see it coming in my near future. I have eight weeks to go from tomorrow and I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can. I'm starting to feel a little more tired, mainly because I'm tossing and turning more at night. And the heartburn is kicking in. I know I should stay away from all things acid, but I'm not sure if I could live without my red wine vinegar, orange juice and jalapenos. The sacrifices we make. Guess I should invest in some Tums.
And for the record, we still have not decided on a name. We're getting closer. I'm pretty sure we'll have something by the time we leave the hospital.

And for the record, we still have not decided on a name. We're getting closer. I'm pretty sure we'll have something by the time we leave the hospital.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Big girl bed
By no means is Addison the perfect child, but overall she's been a pretty good kid. She sleeps good, she eats good, she plays good, she's rarely cranky and she's almost potty trained. We consider ourselves very lucky. I was expecting the transition to the big girl bed to be a lot harder, but so far (knock on wood), it's been pretty easy.
Friday night we were running late on bedtime. We skipped a bath and went straight to bed. We read a couple books, sang some songs and cuddled. Addison asked me once if she could go sleep in her "pink bed" (her crib) and I told her that she now has a new room and a new big girl bed. She told me that was now the baby's room and hasn't mentioned it since.
good night kisses
Her crib does convert to a toddler bed, but it is being used for the new baby. So we moved Addison straight to the queen bed in our third bedroom. It is now equipped with bed rails and extra pillows around the edges. She looks so little and so grown up at the same time. Of course I checked on her a couple thousand times. We do have a video monitor so that made it easier on us as well.

Saturday morning we turned on the monitor to find her laying in there, playing with her belly button, just like she does every morning. She slept through the night (even through all of my picture taking) and didn't even try to get out the next morning. This is her showing me how she "rocks" bunny. I hope she doesn't rock her sister like that.
Naps were a little harder. She wanted to sing and play peek-a-boo when we tried to lay with her. Eventually we just told her that it was time to take a nap and walked out. It took a little longer for her to fall asleep, but not once did she cry or try to get out of bed. I know there my be rougher roads ahead. Like the climbing out of the bed. Wandering into our room at all hours of the night. Playing instead of sleeping.
Friday night we were running late on bedtime. We skipped a bath and went straight to bed. We read a couple books, sang some songs and cuddled. Addison asked me once if she could go sleep in her "pink bed" (her crib) and I told her that she now has a new room and a new big girl bed. She told me that was now the baby's room and hasn't mentioned it since.
good night kisses

Success. So far.
Do you know what all of this means???
We are so in for it with this next baby.Friday, March 6, 2009
Such a tomboy
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Beach Day
It was too nice this past Saturday to pass it up. The weather was warm and Michael was playing golf so we loaded up with all manner of shovel and pails. It's been a long time since Addison had a chance to dig in the sand. I'm not sure what's up with the weird faces. It was a little windy though so maybe she didn't like the sand in her mouth.

I don't know how I manage to always get pictures of her with food in her mouth. I think it's because it's the only time I can get her to stop what she's doing to actually look at me.
By the end of the trip we were both covered in sand and she was soaking wet from splashing around in a tide pool. I came prepared with extra clothes and a sheet to line the back of my car while changing. Having a toddler is definitely helping me get over my dislike for sand. Well, maybe just a little.

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