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The swim test happens over 4 days, but the days she has to wear clothes in the water are the most fun. There was summer clothes...
And winter clothes...I promise you that Addison does not cry when she is swimming with us. It's something about the lessons and knowing that they actually have to do work. She loves the water! And it's so fun now knowing that she can jump off the side and swim around the steps without having to cling to us. We'll take her back for a refresher or two during the winter months and then for a week or so in the spring. It was a rough 6 to 7 weeks taking her everday, but well worth the time and the money.
Morgan has really started to roll and move lately. She officially rolled over from back to tummy a couple of times (on Sept 8th), but still has trouble getting her shoulder under her. And she loves the jumperoo. It's fun for her to be in any position where she can follow Addison around the room.
Morgan spends a lot of time on her tummy. The physical therapist says it is really good for her because it forces her to use and strengthen her neck muscles. Most nights I let her air out and be naked for a few minutes before I put her in the bathtub. You can see that she loves it. She's starting to turn and reach for toys and is even getting her knees under her a bit.Morgan is also very chatty. She loves to mock sounds and talk to you. I took this when I put her in the bath tub right after naked time. You can hear her kicking her legs. They move like that evey time she is in the water. Every day is something new with these girls. I can't get enough.
Yeah, the orange is ugly. But Morgan, well, she's cute no matter what she's wearing.
I think she feels the same way about the Vols as I do. Who cares!
I can promise you that she won't be wearing any sort of Tennessee garb this weekend. Go Gators!
They pull on my heartstrings. I love being their mom. I love them.
Addison always wants to do tummy time with Morgan. She cuddles up next to her and whispers in her ear. She also tries to help her roll over which we need to watch. Overall she is a great big sister.
The verdict is in. Morgan is an itty bitty thing. Today at her well visit she was exactly 12 pounds, which if you're keeping notes (and I am), is the 15th percentile. However, my milk is not going to waste. She is now 25.5 inches long which is the 90th percentile. And just for kicks, her head was in the 15th percentile as well. Because she's a little on the small side I was told to try and get some more calories in her. We'll be upping her ounces during the day and giving her some extra mommy milk in a bottle before bed. No formula or cereal for now. We go back for a weight check in 3 weeks to see if it's working and reevaluate from there. Right now she's a little mad at me because I made her get three shots today. I know her legs are sore because she cries when I touch them. If it makes her feel better, my arm hurts from my flu shot today.
Morgan's physical therapy is going really well. The therapist says that her neck already feels so much better and she likes the way she is looking more to her left side. We're still doing stretches and exercises on a daily basis and therapy once a week. For now we're taking it week by week, but are told we're only looking at a couple of months.
Morgan started rolling over a bit this past weekend. She still has a little trouble getting her shoulder under her, but we have some excerises to help her with that also. Last night I let her have a little nakey time before the bath. She loves it! Something about being carefree. She was rolling and moving all over the floor, but had to hold Michael's finger for a little security.
This girl is all about her hands. They are always in her mouth. And everyone and everything is soaked from her drool. She's just so stinkin' cute.
I've enjoyed every minute of the past four months. I love her so much that it's not even funny.