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Have you ever been to the people of Walmart site? I'm hoping that I don't find a picture of my child on there because THIS is how Michael dressed her for grocery shopping at, you guessed it, Walmart.
*Note that the socks light up when you walk.
All I could say was "Wow". And then like any proud mother I waived as they drove away.
It's been crazy busy the last week, but I'm still here. I'll have plenty to blog about come next week, but here's the rundownn.
Last Friday was Allison's bachelorette party in Gaineville. We surprised her with a limo for the night and we all had so much fun. I paid for it with a massive headache the next day, but well worth it.
I'm now back in Gainesville. Mom had her reconstructive surgery yesterday and was back home this morning. She's doing great. She doesn't seem to be in too much pain, but I'm sure she has the meds to thank for that. I'm taking her for a check up in the morning.
Morgan is napping on Allison's couch as I type. I just got back from getting a pedicure.
Michael and Addison will be here in the morning for all of the wedding festivites. I'm so excited that Allison is getting married and has asked me to be part of it. Allison and I have known each other since we were babies so we've shared a lot of things in our lives. I'm glad we get to share this too.
I can't wait to see Addison tomorrow. I've missed her and her I love you's.
More next week.
Boy does time fly. It sounds so cliche, but it's so true.
My grandfather passed away 7 years ago today. A little story.
Grandpa died on a Wednesday night. He starting showing signs of weakness the weekend before and I headed to Gainesville to spend time with him. I was there until Tuesday when I decided I needed to go back to Jacksonville to recharge and repack for the next couple of days. I was going to head back Thursday morning. My dad wanted to go see my Grandpa and say his goodbye and really wanted to me to go with him, but I was tired and just wanted to rest. Somehow he talked me in to going with him. Wednesday afternoon we headed that way.
I fully believe that God had a plan that Wednesday. If not for my dad wanting to go see my Grandfather I would not have been there when he went to heaven. I'm so thankful that I decided to go. I was able to give him his last dose of morphine to make him comfortable. I was able to tell him that everything we would be okay when he was gone. I was able to kiss my Grandpa and tell him I love him one last time.
7 years? I still remember it like it was yesterday.
I miss him.