Thursday, February 24, 2011

choo choo

There's a little train at the mall that loads and unloads right near the play area. Genius! It sucks all the kids in. And it's making a killing. $3 a person for the maybe ten minute ride. They weren't sure what to think the first time they got on a couple of weeks ago. I decided to do 10 minutes of shopping by myself while Michael rode with them. I hear that Morgan had her head hanging out the window yelling "choo choo" to all of the people walking by.
This past weekend we went back to the mall. Morgan woke up from her nap and I told her we were going to ride the train and eat Chick-fil-a. I heard "choo choo and chicken" the whole way there. Caeley (the neighbor) and Hannah (our niece from TN) tagged along. Since we had five riders I scored a card for a free ride.
Morgan did exactly what she did last time. She was propped up on her knees, head out the window, yelling choo choo.
Totally worth the $3.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

a quick visit

I was in the neighborhood this weekend so I stopped by to visit my sis-in-law and baby M. When I got there she was playing on the floor. M was so happy to see me. Can't you tell from this picture?   (taken with my cell phone)
I can't get over her big brown eyes and those lips. And her hair! It's completely out of control. This is pretty much what it looks like all the time.
Just like last time I was there she let me hold her while she fell asleep. We rocked for almost an hour. Then we did some shopping and I headed home. And somewhere in between all of that I gave her a million kisses.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

my valentines

Addison had a blast this year. Saturday we put the treat bags for their classmates together, assembly line style. All three of us sat in the hallway surrounded by goodies. On Sunday Addison signed all her Valentine cards. Yesterday morning they woke up to a little present from us. It was a fun day to tell them again how much I love them.
Look at Morgan's pig tails. It was like that when I picked her up.
Morgan wanted nothing to do with picture taking. She was more interested in the candy she brought home from school that I wouldn't let her have. That's because her daily sheet said she had brownies, cookies and cupcakes for snacks yesterday. I think that's enough sugar for one day.

Michael came through as well. I had red velvet cake waiting for me when I got home. I'm just saying that maybe that's what I had for dinner. Maybe.

Friday, February 11, 2011


The girls have best buds at school, Jake and Lucas. They all met as babies and have been friends ever since. Jake is exactly three months older than Addison and Lucas is exactly three months older than Morgan. Funny coincidence. I wonder if that is why they are so close.

We went to their birthday party a couple of weeks ago. Addison had a great time with all of her friends from school. Morgan just wanted cake.

Caught in the act.

What? Am I messy? But it's good.

I took this in the car on the way there. It was such a nice day and the girls were excited for the party.
If Morgan would sit still for more than two minutes then she may have a different hairstyle. But she doesn't, so this is the best I can do. She's still cute though.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

she's almost as good as me

We had about 10 minutes of light when we got home last night so Addison wanted to practice her new skill. We call it a hula hoop. Special Agent Oso calls it a hoop-a-loop. Since when? Either way, Addison enjoys it.
She's getting pretty good at it. I wish I had a picture of me standing in the driveway showing her how to move her hips in a circle. I think I heard the neighbors across the street laughing.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

one of those days/weeks

I've been in a rut. Nothing too exciting is going on. It's still cold and we're stuck inside and I haven't taken my camera out in awhile. It's all just so blah.

We finally ordered blinds for the playroom. That's exciting I guess. But I have no pictures because it will be a couple of weeks before they get here.

This morning Addison's OCD kicked in again. She had to wear her sweatshirt with her already long sleeve shirt, which I knew was going to be an issue. I love that I can foresee the future. Her sleeves got bunched up inside and that started the crying. Then they were too long and needed to be rolled up, but the cuff wasn't straight. She wanted her watch on top of the rolled up sleeves, but then it was too tight. All of this as we're walking out the door. Once she's in the car the pterodactyl screaming started at about the same time she was kicking the back of my seat. The watch she was now holding comes flying past my head. At that point I pulled over in the Publix parking lot until she at least stopped kicking the seat. Then she cried almost the whole way to school because she wanted the watch back. And 10 minutes later it's like none of it ever happen.

She's such an angel, except when she's not.

To top it off I went to the post office this morning which is completely out of my way. Why my mail is left at this location is ridiculous since there are two post offices closer to my house. But I had to pick up Morgan's birth certificate. The one I just ordered. Yeah, she's almost two and it took me that long. Wouldn't you know the doors were locked. That's odd.They open at 8 a.m. Then I see this:

As of February 7th our hours will now be 9 to...whatever. I stopped reading at that point.

Now I have to go back.

Today is going to be one of those days. I think I'll go buy some shoes.