I got a lot of goodies for Christmas. Michael surprised me Christmas Eve with a new iPhone. I spent most of the weekend asking Siri funny questions and using the Instagram app. I took this one with the app on the way to my Aunt's house. We happen to be in the Starbucks drive thru.
Michael won the husband of the year award and also got me a 50mm lens for my camera. My other lens still needs to be replaced, but this is a good substitute. I'm excited to learn some new things.
Addison at my Aunt's house. Morgan in her new hat. The color is off, but I still love it.
Morgan and her daddy.
My brother and I. He rarely takes pictures and somehow inherited the no smile gene. It was Christmas so he stopped for one picture.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
christmas day
Santa came! I had no clue what to get Morgan and then I found the baby bed. I love it because it comes with storage for all the doll accessories.
The girls loved opening gifts! Morgan got sidetracked by the baby bed and Addison's guitar so it took a little longer for her.
Morgan was such a big girl on Christmas morning and put her panties on all by herself. Both legs in one hole. She didn't care though. I found it hilarious.
For months Addison had 4 things on her list. Guitar, Barbie house, notepads and nail polish. At the last minute she added the Dora doll so Santa was out shopping on Christmas Eve. We threw in the bike because it was a great Black Friday deal and she really needed it. She pedals faster than her little one would let her go. When she saw it she says to me, "I did not ask Santa for a bike". I told her Santa could take it back, but she came around.
Addison was really disappointed when she didn't see the dollhouse Christmas morning, but my mom really wanted to get it for them. I left a note from Santa saying that he left a couple of things for them at Grandma's house. She was so happy when she walked in to my mom's that night and saw it set up in the living room. The best thing about all of this is that my mom and Jim spent all the time putting it together. Even the furniture had to be assembled. Lucky them.
*Who doesn't spend Christmas in their underwear?
This thing is huge! It fits perfectly in the playroom, but the girls have to stand on chairs to reach the top. I'm glad that they will be able to grow into it. They already have it filled with all manner of Barbie's.
We had a great Christmas and it's not over yet. We're traveling to TN soon to do the Sharp Family Christmas and spend some time in the mountains. The girls were really in to the presents and just the overall joy of the season this year. We even sang Happy Birthday to Jesus that morning. I loved every second of it and can't wait to do it again next year!
The girls loved opening gifts! Morgan got sidetracked by the baby bed and Addison's guitar so it took a little longer for her.
Morgan was such a big girl on Christmas morning and put her panties on all by herself. Both legs in one hole. She didn't care though. I found it hilarious.
For months Addison had 4 things on her list. Guitar, Barbie house, notepads and nail polish. At the last minute she added the Dora doll so Santa was out shopping on Christmas Eve. We threw in the bike because it was a great Black Friday deal and she really needed it. She pedals faster than her little one would let her go. When she saw it she says to me, "I did not ask Santa for a bike". I told her Santa could take it back, but she came around.
Addison was really disappointed when she didn't see the dollhouse Christmas morning, but my mom really wanted to get it for them. I left a note from Santa saying that he left a couple of things for them at Grandma's house. She was so happy when she walked in to my mom's that night and saw it set up in the living room. The best thing about all of this is that my mom and Jim spent all the time putting it together. Even the furniture had to be assembled. Lucky them.
*Who doesn't spend Christmas in their underwear?
This thing is huge! It fits perfectly in the playroom, but the girls have to stand on chairs to reach the top. I'm glad that they will be able to grow into it. They already have it filled with all manner of Barbie's.
We had a great Christmas and it's not over yet. We're traveling to TN soon to do the Sharp Family Christmas and spend some time in the mountains. The girls were really in to the presents and just the overall joy of the season this year. We even sang Happy Birthday to Jesus that morning. I loved every second of it and can't wait to do it again next year!
christmas eve
Christmas Eve was perfect. We had lunch with my dad, brother and his family at Olive Garden. Then we came home and took a big, carb induced nap. At this point I had a head cold for two days and just wanted to sleep. I was so tired and achy. We didn't make it to church but we did find the energy to make cookies for Santa.
Addison wanted star cookies so I decided to try rolling out the dough and using actual cookie cutters. We had so much fun cutting the stars (snowflakes), gingerbread men, and flowers.
And then this happen. This is what I get for venturing out and not going with my usual break and bakes.
In the end we got about 4 good gingerbread men and a couple of chocolate chip cookies from the "just in case" dough I had in the refrigerator. Most of the carrots on the plate had to be replenished because the girls ate them. And the milk had to be refilled 2 times. The carrots made them thirsty I guess.
The girls were so excited for Santa. Addison was convinced that he wouldn't come if she was awake so there wasn't much fight at bedtime. They had sweet dreams and Michael and I worked our Santa magic.
*I love how my Gator ornament shines in the background. Total accident.
Addison wanted star cookies so I decided to try rolling out the dough and using actual cookie cutters. We had so much fun cutting the stars (snowflakes), gingerbread men, and flowers.
And then this happen. This is what I get for venturing out and not going with my usual break and bakes.
In the end we got about 4 good gingerbread men and a couple of chocolate chip cookies from the "just in case" dough I had in the refrigerator. Most of the carrots on the plate had to be replenished because the girls ate them. And the milk had to be refilled 2 times. The carrots made them thirsty I guess.
The girls were so excited for Santa. Addison was convinced that he wouldn't come if she was awake so there wasn't much fight at bedtime. They had sweet dreams and Michael and I worked our Santa magic.
*I love how my Gator ornament shines in the background. Total accident.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
craft day
Michael and I were able to do crafts with Addison before Christmas. There were all manner of things, about 8 stations in all. Glue, glitter and paint EVERYWHERE! They made some really neat stuff and Addison was so excited for us to open our gift on Christmas morning.
Michael borrowed Morgan from her class for awhile. She even got to make a stocking and eat a cookie.
I told you. Stuff everywhere. Addison's top is permanently ruined.
Michael borrowed Morgan from her class for awhile. She even got to make a stocking and eat a cookie.
I told you. Stuff everywhere. Addison's top is permanently ruined.
We're so lucky that we get to participate in school activites. I love making these memories with the girls.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
polar express
It's no secret that we love Chick-fil-a. We love the food and the atmosphere, but we also love the Tuesday night kids night. Throughout the month of December they had some really fun holiday themed stuff for the kids. I'm not sure where they rented the train that took us around the parking lot, but that thing was rickety. It didn't matter though. It was a lot of fun.
After the ride we did the bounce house, hit the hot chocolate station and even played in the fake snow. The highlight was definitely Santa Cow.
Morgan would not get close to him, but that didn't mean that she didn't love him. She threw a fit when we were leaving because she wanted to see him one more time. So I rolled down the windows and drove by him slowly so she chould get one last look. Made her night.
After the ride we did the bounce house, hit the hot chocolate station and even played in the fake snow. The highlight was definitely Santa Cow.
Morgan would not get close to him, but that didn't mean that she didn't love him. She threw a fit when we were leaving because she wanted to see him one more time. So I rolled down the windows and drove by him slowly so she chould get one last look. Made her night.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
christmas odds and ends
Here is our tree. This is the first year as a family that we've had a real tree. I love it and everything about it. The smell, the fullness, the branches. I was worried about the needles falling off, but it's been fine. The only time they fall off is when I rearrange something.
Zarkle is back. The kids are in love with him. Looking for him is the first thing they do every morning when they wake up. One night he emailed Santa rather than visiting. Sometimes Zarkle is lazy like that. Using the elf as leverage is total genius.
Santa came to school last week. I didn't get to go visit, but Michael happen to be off that day. Addison was a little hesitant while Michael was there, but after he left she went to visit Santa with her class. She did much better. The school emailed me this picture.
Morgan wouldn't go near Santa on her own, but she did okay on Michael's knee.
We're going to see Santa again tomorrow so hopefully we'll have better luck. Or maybe we'll have one of those tortured, crying kid pictures. Oh, I can't wait.
Zarkle is back. The kids are in love with him. Looking for him is the first thing they do every morning when they wake up. One night he emailed Santa rather than visiting. Sometimes Zarkle is lazy like that. Using the elf as leverage is total genius.
Santa came to school last week. I didn't get to go visit, but Michael happen to be off that day. Addison was a little hesitant while Michael was there, but after he left she went to visit Santa with her class. She did much better. The school emailed me this picture.
Morgan wouldn't go near Santa on her own, but she did okay on Michael's knee.
We're going to see Santa again tomorrow so hopefully we'll have better luck. Or maybe we'll have one of those tortured, crying kid pictures. Oh, I can't wait.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
whatever you want to call it
Today I went to have Christmas lunch with Addison at school. A lot of people don't get to do that with their kids. I get to. It makes me feel all of those things and so much more.

A big shout out to my work peeps who allow me the flexibility to do my job and be a mom. I just had my 8 year anniversary at work and couldn't work with a better group of people. Addison appreciates you also.
Today I went to have Christmas lunch with Addison at school. A lot of people don't get to do that with their kids. I get to. It makes me feel all of those things and so much more.

A big shout out to my work peeps who allow me the flexibility to do my job and be a mom. I just had my 8 year anniversary at work and couldn't work with a better group of people. Addison appreciates you also.
Monday, December 12, 2011
it's a drug
Morgan is addicted to the iPad. She doesn't use it much because we limit the time she spends on it, but she plays with it any chance she gets.
We have to hide it from her. Sometimes she hunts it down and takes it into the closet so she can play it without us knowing. One day I picked her up from school and she told me she wanted to go home and play the iPad. She knows how to slide the lock, find the Handy Manny app, and play all the games. She's mastered the puzzles and is getting better at the memory game. This morning we asked her to put it down so we could leave for school and she even knew how to press the little button to turn it off.
Times sure have changed.
We have to hide it from her. Sometimes she hunts it down and takes it into the closet so she can play it without us knowing. One day I picked her up from school and she told me she wanted to go home and play the iPad. She knows how to slide the lock, find the Handy Manny app, and play all the games. She's mastered the puzzles and is getting better at the memory game. This morning we asked her to put it down so we could leave for school and she even knew how to press the little button to turn it off.
Times sure have changed.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
two and a half (plus a month)
My sweet Morgan,
Just so you know, your mom is a slacker. You turned two and a half on November 8th and I'm just now writing this letter to you. A month later. Truth is, this probably will only get worse over the years so you might as well get used to it now. You motivate me to do this post anyway, even if it is late. Waking up every morning and seeing you snuggle with Daddy makes my day. You look up at me with the sweetest smile as I kiss you good morning. I get a little jealous wishing I was the one you wanted to snuggle with, but I get it. You need your daddy time in the mornings. The rest of the day is all about mommy and that totally makes up for it. At night you cry when it's not mommy's turn to put you to bed. It breaks my heart, but we have to stick to the routine.
You're still so snuggly and cuddly. You're always so content just sitting on my lap while I give you hugs and kisses. Every night you pick out books to read. You stack them up on the ottoman until they are almost falling over. We read about three. Then you just want me to rock you as you wrap your arms around my neck and squeeze tightly. Maybe you fear that I will let you go. I will never. You're always in my thoughts. Even as I sleep I think of you and your sister. I can't wait to get you out of bed in the morning and start everything all over again.
I love the way you actually let me do your hair and clip your fingernails. You sit so patiently and seem so amazed at the final product. You've recently been potty training. I'll admit it's been tough. I wondered if you were ever going to get it. For two weeks now you've been wearing panties to school. The average was three accidents a day and a load of laundry each night. Yesterday you were so proud when you came home in your original clothes and happily exclaimed that you went to the potty all day. I was so happy. I hope it's finally all starting to click. For your sake and mine.
You're a funny girl, just like your daddy. You do things that you don't even know are funny. Like every time you dance you like to look at your reflection. We watch you as you bobble back and forth with the music. You took a break from the dancing for awhile, but you're back at it. And you can't dance by yourself. Every time you hear music you come running to tell me to dance with you. Sometimes like this, you say, with your hand moving back and forth. That's the fish move, one of your favorites. I giggle all the time. Your expressions and the off the cuff remarks kill me. I sometimes wonder how your little brain comes up with these things.
Unlike your sister, you love to pose for pictures. As soon as you hear the click you come running over because you have to see the picture. You're so independent and have to try everything by yourself. I try to be patient and sit back waiting for you to ask me for help. You always do. You love baby dolls, puzzles and books and like to read the story by yourself. It's all made up and a jumble of words, but it doesn't matter. You look like the smartest girl in the world when you're lost in a book. Sometimes you and your sister like to make a fort in your crib or the closet. You'll both sit quietly and play with the massive pile of stuff you've accumalated. You like to watch movies and eat popcorn with Addison. When the popcorn is done you cuddle up close to her and hug her. I love walking in and seeing those moments.
Just so you know, your mom is a slacker. You turned two and a half on November 8th and I'm just now writing this letter to you. A month later. Truth is, this probably will only get worse over the years so you might as well get used to it now. You motivate me to do this post anyway, even if it is late. Waking up every morning and seeing you snuggle with Daddy makes my day. You look up at me with the sweetest smile as I kiss you good morning. I get a little jealous wishing I was the one you wanted to snuggle with, but I get it. You need your daddy time in the mornings. The rest of the day is all about mommy and that totally makes up for it. At night you cry when it's not mommy's turn to put you to bed. It breaks my heart, but we have to stick to the routine.
You're still so snuggly and cuddly. You're always so content just sitting on my lap while I give you hugs and kisses. Every night you pick out books to read. You stack them up on the ottoman until they are almost falling over. We read about three. Then you just want me to rock you as you wrap your arms around my neck and squeeze tightly. Maybe you fear that I will let you go. I will never. You're always in my thoughts. Even as I sleep I think of you and your sister. I can't wait to get you out of bed in the morning and start everything all over again.
I love the way you actually let me do your hair and clip your fingernails. You sit so patiently and seem so amazed at the final product. You've recently been potty training. I'll admit it's been tough. I wondered if you were ever going to get it. For two weeks now you've been wearing panties to school. The average was three accidents a day and a load of laundry each night. Yesterday you were so proud when you came home in your original clothes and happily exclaimed that you went to the potty all day. I was so happy. I hope it's finally all starting to click. For your sake and mine.
You're a funny girl, just like your daddy. You do things that you don't even know are funny. Like every time you dance you like to look at your reflection. We watch you as you bobble back and forth with the music. You took a break from the dancing for awhile, but you're back at it. And you can't dance by yourself. Every time you hear music you come running to tell me to dance with you. Sometimes like this, you say, with your hand moving back and forth. That's the fish move, one of your favorites. I giggle all the time. Your expressions and the off the cuff remarks kill me. I sometimes wonder how your little brain comes up with these things.
Unlike your sister, you love to pose for pictures. As soon as you hear the click you come running over because you have to see the picture. You're so independent and have to try everything by yourself. I try to be patient and sit back waiting for you to ask me for help. You always do. You love baby dolls, puzzles and books and like to read the story by yourself. It's all made up and a jumble of words, but it doesn't matter. You look like the smartest girl in the world when you're lost in a book. Sometimes you and your sister like to make a fort in your crib or the closet. You'll both sit quietly and play with the massive pile of stuff you've accumalated. You like to watch movies and eat popcorn with Addison. When the popcorn is done you cuddle up close to her and hug her. I love walking in and seeing those moments.
This year we got our first real Christmas tree. You tell me all the time that you're allowed to touch the tree, but not the ornaments. All with a twinkle in your eye. Every time Santa comes on the tv you scream with joy. You love him, just not in person. Same with the Chick-fil-a cow. Everything is good from a distance and the excitement is adorable, but if you get within two feet of them you freak out.
I'm sorry to tell you that Santa may be going back to the North Pole with your paci's. It will probably break my heart more than yours. My baby is turning into a little girl.
I love you sweetheart.
*Last picture taken by Amy Barry from Couture Wedding Studios. Find her on Facebook HERE!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
christmas program
Addison especially was looking forward to Monday night. She had been practicing at school at was super excited to sing in the Christmas program. For once she seemed like she would get up on stage and perform without being nervous. I was nervous. I was afraid she would freak out and bail at the last minute just like she normally does. But she did so good. She still acted a little shy and reached out for me a few times during the performance, but she made it through. I was so proud of her.
This was Morgan's first real performace and I didn't know what to expect. I knelt down in the aisle to get some pictures of her and was for sure she would come running towards me when she spotted me. Instead she stood up there and rang those jingle bells with a smile on her face the entire time. I think I was beaming from ear to ear.
I told Addison that Zarkle the Elf would tell Santa if she didn't take a couple of pictures afterwards. I know that's bad, but I need all the leverage I can get with her. She was super excited though so I think that helped as well.
After the show we took the girls to dinner. Morgan will pose for a picture any time.
When we got home I convinced them to take one more picture in front of the tree. They mostly agreed because Zarkle would be in the picture with them. See him in the tree?
Lucky you, I got the entire night on video. I tend to get a little choked up when the girls make me super proud, but this night was all about smiles. Morgan actually sang the song. And the wave at the end was the cutest thing.
This was Morgan's first real performace and I didn't know what to expect. I knelt down in the aisle to get some pictures of her and was for sure she would come running towards me when she spotted me. Instead she stood up there and rang those jingle bells with a smile on her face the entire time. I think I was beaming from ear to ear.
I told Addison that Zarkle the Elf would tell Santa if she didn't take a couple of pictures afterwards. I know that's bad, but I need all the leverage I can get with her. She was super excited though so I think that helped as well.
After the show we took the girls to dinner. Morgan will pose for a picture any time.
When we got home I convinced them to take one more picture in front of the tree. They mostly agreed because Zarkle would be in the picture with them. See him in the tree?
Lucky you, I got the entire night on video. I tend to get a little choked up when the girls make me super proud, but this night was all about smiles. Morgan actually sang the song. And the wave at the end was the cutest thing.
You'll notice that Addison did get a little shy. She's does the classic reach and the finger in her mouth. She was able to pull off some of the sign language for Silent Night. As soon as her songs were over she broke down in tears. I was only 4 feet from her and I couldn't get her off the stage soon enough.
I have a feeling that Christmas this year will be the best! Both of the girls love reading Christmas books at night in front the tree. They love waking up to see where Zarkle is. They love pressing the buttons on the musical holiday stuffed animals and dancing around the house. I can't wait to see their faces Christmas morning.
I have a feeling that Christmas this year will be the best! Both of the girls love reading Christmas books at night in front the tree. They love waking up to see where Zarkle is. They love pressing the buttons on the musical holiday stuffed animals and dancing around the house. I can't wait to see their faces Christmas morning.
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