Morgan didn't get a proper birthday party, but I sure did everything in my power to make her feel special. That evening we took her to Build-a-Bear so she could make her own special birthday bear. I didn't care if that thing cost me $50. She really wanted the hideous rainbow colored peace sign bear, but she settled for this pink cuddly bear. She took it over to the girl so it could be stuffed.
She pressed the pedal for the stuffing as hard as she could. Then I caught her rubbing the bear's heart under her chin. So stinkin' cute.
Then they headed to the cleaning station to give their animals a bath.
Morgan scrubbed and scrubbed her bear. Then when we were about to leave she had to go scrub her some more.Meet Blossom Bear. There was a big book of names there and that was the best I could come up with. We've never been into naming our stuffed animals. That goes all the way back to Addison's favorite bunny, which was named Bunny. I hoped that Blossom would comfort Morgan and help her stay in her bed at night. That didn't work.
After we got home we had one last round of Happy Birthday and the cake from Sunday's lunch. It still tasted just as good.
For every serious picture I take of them I get about 10 that look like these. Silly girls.
Addison took this one of me and the birthday girl. I really feel like I no longer have babies, even toddlers. My girls are growing up.
I love this stage in their lives. They're learning new things and becoming their own person. Now if I could just get her to stay in her bed at night.