Thursday, October 30, 2014

the pumpkin patch

We tried out a new place this year. It wasn't my favorite compared to past years, but it was a heck of a lot closer. The girls enjoyed it either way and had a blast with their friends. Here's Morgan and Ruby on the hayride.

 The girls on the mini cow train. I'm not sure how they still fit in this thing, but they make it work.
Probably their favorite thing was the corn gun. This thing shot corn cobs 50 yards, plus some. Both of them did pretty good and came close to the targets.
 Michael helping her line up her shot.
My favorite thing was the leaf booth. You know the ticket machines you can get in and you have to grab tickets out of the air? Same concept, but with fake leaves. Addison is NOT crying. They were all smiles and giggles inside this thing.

 I loved going in with them and standing in the corner to watch. It was a moment of pure joy.

We didn't get any pumpkin pictures on this trip because of the crowds of people, but don't you worry. I would get them soon.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

talk like a pirate day

Oh, Krispy Kreme and your HOT NOW sign. You had me at free donuts. If you talk like a pirate you get one free donut. But if you dress like a pirate you get a WHOLE dozen!
Two pirates, TWO dozen. We just happen to have all of this stuff in the dress up box. Except Morgan's white shirt. That's mine.
They were cranking out donuts like it was nobody's business. Definitely HOT NOW.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

addison's soccer season

This was her year. She finally got it. She ran around the field like she had purpose and was determined to make a goal.
She worked really hard and I saw a fantastic team player out there. She always sat on the sideline with her team, watching the game, learning what she could when she wasn't in the game.

And she stayed hydrated. Very important in the Florida heat.
Every once in awhile, during half time, she would sit in my lap and I'd tell her proud I was of her. And she would act like a nut.
Two kids playing soccer meant three days a week we were at the field. She did a pretty good job playing the role of big sister. She was patient, kept busy, and even had some fun with my camera.

I sure wish I had it on film or video, but it finally happen. She scored a goal!!! I jumped, I screamed, I even cried. I was so freaking proud of her.
This year it was all about that goal. And the trophy.

I'm actually considering Spring soccer for her. Just to keep her fresh. But there's something about the holidays that wear me out and it's hard for me to commit. We'll see how it goes this year.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

morgan plays soccer, kind of

Another soccer season comes to a close. To be honest, I haven't been that into it. I didn't get to know many of the parents on the sidelines. I couldn't tell you the name of most of the kids on the team. I didn't take 5,000 pictures this season. Some games I didn't even take my camera to the field. But I enjoyed watching the girls play. Morgan was pretty much where she left off last fall. She did run around a little more this year, but most of it was just chasing her friends to give them hugs. I'm just not sure if soccer is her thing.
But she looks cute.
I think this was one of the few times she actually kicked the ball.
Now, if the season was about sitting on the sideline and socializing with friends and family, then she definitely wins the award for Miss Congeniality.

Then there's the Gatorade and the snacks. By far, the highlight of every game.

She got a little better towards the end. There was a little method to her madness.

Ultimately, it's the trophy they really want. The coach named her as best girl on the team. That's because there were only 4 of them and the other 3 were under the age of 5.
My sweet, silly girl. Trying to get her to take a serious picture is like pulling teeth.

She was so proud of that trophy. And rightfully so. She earned that for all the chasing, hugging, snacking and soccer playing she did.

Friday, October 3, 2014

4th of july

Let's pretend it's July 4th all over again. This was actually the 3rd, but she looked so cute for camp I had to get a picture.
The morning of the 4th was low key. My dad and sister came over and we had our own little cookout in the backyard. Then the ice cream truck came through the neighborhood. Aleyece showed us the proper way to eat a popsicle.
 Later that day we headed to our friend's house for a barbecue. The kids did a little swinging.
Then we took a break and had some dinner. As usual, the girls ate nothing.
Then we had some fun with the sparklers. Those cups as hand protectors were a brilliant Pinterest idea that wasn't mine.

The girls rolled around in the grass some and I took pictures. Look at this toothless grin. I just love it.

We all sat around and watched as some of the grown ups lit the fireworks.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to tackle the beach and the traffic this year. It had been a long day and all of us were tired. But I made myself (and Michael) do it for the kids. We loaded up and headed East. We stopped a couple of blocks before the beach, parked and literally walked half a block. The girls were fine sitting in the grass right behind Publix. I was happy to have an easy getaway.

See. Perfect view.

We're still learning how to sit like a lady. I guess it doesn't matter though when you're sitting around in the dark.
The best part of the night was Morgan waving the flag and yelling "Happy America" to everyone that walked by. I was cracking up.
I'm glad we decided to go. The girls had a blast and slept like rocks when we got home. Morgan made it 2 minutes when we got back in the car.

Happy America everyone!