Until now. It's been a rough four days. She's had a fever, refused to eat, and I could barely get her to drink anything. The Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde mood swings have almost made me lose my mind. She's watched more Calliou than I'd like to admit. Her paci has been her best friend. She's slept in our bed a couple of times because the late night freak outs were wearing us down. And I think I should buy stock in Tylenol, Motrin and Anbesol.
But I think we're starting to turn the corner. Last night she ate some macaroni & cheese and drank some of her milkshake. And this morning she had an entire glass of milk. The Benadryl we gave her before bed (hey, you do what you have to do) must have helped some because she only woke up once last night. This morning she sat next to me and did her hair with her new hair tools. When she was done, she packed everything up and said "bye bye". I guess she was heading out on a date. I'm hoping that lucky fellow doesn't mind the bed head and no pants.

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