Yesterday you turned three months old. All I want to do is hold you, snuggle you, and kiss you. A part of me doesn't want this stage to end. I want you to stay my baby girl for a little longer.
But I love that you are growing and exploring the world around you. You love to swat at your toys and watch the lights flicker above. Yesterday you rolled over from your front to your back and actually meant to do it. You try so hard to roll over from your back, but I think you enjoy kicking your legs too much. I actually think you may crawl before you roll over. You even like to do circles during tummy time.
You are such a laid back little girl who lets me take a million pictures. You have no problem hanging out in your swing and taking in what's going on around you. You are so patient with your sister who sometimes tries to love on you a little too much.
You coo and caa and love to imitate my sounds. You're always smiling, squealing and kicking your legs with excitement. I love when you get so excited that you give yourself the hiccups. And the "ahh" that follows every sneeze has put a smile on my face since the day you were born.
We all love you Morgan. More than you know.
1 comment:
I love this post. I miss you guys so much. October can't get here fast enough!
This is our blog. A tiny glimpse into our somewhat normal life. I'm addicted to Starbucks, like to take naps on the weekends, and watch a lot of useless TV. You’ll find stories and pictures about my three favorite people. Michael is my fabulous husband who puts up with all my crazy. Addison is our very talkative, smarter than her own good, seven year old. Morgan is our sweet five year old that loves to sing and tell made up stories. I love them all so much.
1 comment:
I love this post. I miss you guys so much. October can't get here fast enough!
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