This past weekend we gathered with a bunch of family for Morgan's baptism. Michael's sister Angela and her husband Scott agreed to be Morgan's godparents and made the trip from Tennessee. Michael's parents were able to make it as well. It was so fun to have them here, actually in the Gainesville area. I was able to show them where I grew up and a lot of other things that I talk about all the time. Morgan was in such a great mood on Sunday. She was smiley, giggly and chatty the entire service. She wasn't bothered by the mass of people and took everything in stride. I thought it would be really neat to lay her on the floor and get a picture of her in her pretty dress, just like I did Addison. Simple, right? So wrong. This girl is obsessed with her feet. Really obsessed. Obsessed with her feet like Addison was with her belly button (and still is). Underneath all of that fabric are her feet curled up near her head. See what I mean? I spent most of the weekend putting her socks back on her feet, but only if they were dry. I often find them soaking wet because they spend so much time in her mouth. I swear that I did not see Addison all weekend. She is attached to Hannah's hip when she is around. They went swimming at the hotel, sat together at church, and hung out in the backyard most of the day. I caught her once sitting with Michael. It was way past her nap time at this point. We're so blessed to have both of our girls in our lives.
This is our blog. A tiny glimpse into our somewhat normal life. I'm addicted to Starbucks, like to take naps on the weekends, and watch a lot of useless TV. You’ll find stories and pictures about my three favorite people. Michael is my fabulous husband who puts up with all my crazy. Addison is our very talkative, smarter than her own good, seven year old. Morgan is our sweet five year old that loves to sing and tell made up stories. I love them all so much.
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