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My grandmother went on to heaven one year ago today. It was a Saturday afternoon and we were all with her. We had said our goodbyes and told her that she could go if God was calling for her. She must have heard us. She was so peaceful.
The Alzheimer's took her mind many years before that day, but it didn't take her smile. I will never forget the way she would light up when I came to visit. She rubbed my belly when I was pregnant with Addison. I would sit next to her and she would still run her fingers through my hair just like she did when I was a kid. The day she met my baby girl was one of the best days of my life. The joy on her face was priceless.
I'm sad that she never got to rub my belly the second time around. I'm sad that Morgan will never get to know her. I'm sad that I don't get to see her smile anymore.
But I'm happy that she is in heaven. With grandpa. With her baby girl.
And every once in awhile I can feel her smile down on me.
Morgan has a double ear infection. That's the third ear infection in four months. She is so making up for Addison only having one in almost three years. Even though she looks miserable she really has been in good spirits. She wants to be held a little more than usual, but who doesn't when they're not feeling well.
I took this Sunday morning. Look how happy she is. She's always like this. She makes me smile. And while at the doctor today she had a weigh in. She's up to 16 lbs, 13.5 oz. Growing like a weed.
Spaghetti...with a side of grape jelly.
I put the plain noodles on for dipping, but she decided on a mushroom instead. Whatever. I'm not the one eating it.
I tried to talk her out of it, but she wasn't having it. What's it going to hurt?
Not that anyone cares too much, but I care. And that's all that really matters. :) I kid. I'm working on all of the holiday pictures and I'm hoping to overload the blog this weekend. We're all finally back on a schedule and I have some serious catching up to do.
2009 in review. (Click the purple to view the links.)In January we lost my Grandmother. I miss her bunches everyday. In February Addison was addicted to Olivia and had a little mouth infection called Stomatitis that freaked us out a little. Addison moved into her bid girl bed in March and we happily welcomed Spring. In April Addison turned two.May brought us our sweet baby girl Morgan. That little incident where Morgan fell out of her car seat happen in June. The laughter from Addison on July 4th made me smile the entire month.
In August Morgan started treatment for her Torticollis. Addison had mastered swimming, so we spent most of September at the pool. In October we made our first family trip to Sea World. Morgan turned 6 months old in November. We also had some great family pictures taken. In December we celebrated Morgan's baptism and did a lot of dancing.I'm looking forward to a great 2010. I'm going to try and have more patience with Michael and my children and not sweat the small stuff so much. I'm also starting to sleep train Morgan which so far is going good.And just so everyone can see it, here is our Christmas card from this year. Taryn from took the pics and did the card for me. I think they came out pretty darn cute.
Cheers to a great 2010.