By no means is Addison the perfect child, but overall she's been a pretty good kid. She sleeps good, she eats good, she plays good, she's rarely cranky and she's almost potty trained. We consider ourselves very lucky. I was expecting the transition to the big girl bed to be a lot harder, but so far (knock on wood), it's been pretty easy.
Friday night we were running late on bedtime. We skipped a bath and went straight to bed. We read a couple books, sang some songs and cuddled. Addison asked me once if she could go sleep in her "pink bed" (her crib) and I told her that she now has a new room and a new big girl bed. She told me that was now the baby's room and hasn't mentioned it since.
good night kisses
Her crib does convert to a toddler bed, but it is being used for the new baby. So we moved Addison straight to the queen bed in our third bedroom. It is now equipped with bed rails and extra pillows around the edges. She looks so little and so grown up at the same time. Of course I checked on her a couple thousand times. We do have a video monitor so that made it easier on us as well.

Saturday morning we turned on the monitor to find her laying in there, playing with her belly button, just like she does every morning. She slept through the night (even through all of my picture taking) and didn't even try to get out the next morning. This is her showing me how she "rocks" bunny. I hope she doesn't rock her sister like that.
Naps were a little harder. She wanted to sing and play peek-a-boo when we tried to lay with her. Eventually we just told her that it was time to take a nap and walked out. It took a little longer for her to fall asleep, but not once did she cry or try to get out of bed. I know there my be rougher roads ahead. Like the climbing out of the bed. Wandering into our room at all hours of the night. Playing instead of sleeping. Success. So far.
Do you know what all of this means???
We are so in for it with this next baby.
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