17 lbs, 2 oz (25th percentile)
27.875 inches long (50 - 75th percentile)
her noggin is 17 inches round (25th percentile)
Here are some of the things Morgan has been up to.
*uses her elbows and knees to crawl around, but not quite her hands.
*puts herself into a sitting position from her tummy.
*her first word was mama. she's learning other consonant sounds too.
*responds to her nickname "b-mo", because that's what Michael and Addison call her.
*loves to shake her head NO and I'm pretty sure she knows what it means.
*has a ton of toys, but loves to play with Addison's school bus.
*just this past week learned how to feed herself some puffs.
*eats three meals a day and prefers my homemade food to the jar stuff.
*drinks her bottle from beginning to end with no break. she gets mad if you take it away.
*will sprint from the living room to the bathroom if she knows Addison is in there without her.
*sneaks up on us in the kitchen when we're making dinner.
*loves to splash around in the tub.

*crawls over and puts her head in your lap when she's tired.
*loves avocado, yogurt and sweet potatoes.
*gets very upset when you take something she wants away from her.
*loves to point and grab at your nose.
*starting to point at pictures in her books.
*chews on everything.
*loves to swing outside.
*hates to have things on her head. hats, headbands, barrettes, towels, blankets - they only last 2 minutes.
*loves when daddy comes to get her out of the car everday.
*is starting to dislike diaper changes and getting in her car seat.
*thinks Addison is the funniest person on the planet.
*after a month of sleeping training and a lot of crying it out, Morgan can self soothe and is finally sleeping through the night.
I can't believe she's been with us just as long as I was pregnant. I can't imagine life without her.
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