I picked these dresses up a week or so ago when I did some summer clothes shopping for Addison and they wore them to church on Sunday. Morgan did have a cute headband on, but it didn't last long when we got home. They don't have a lot of things that match, but that may have to change. How cute! Yes, Morgan is sick again which is why her eyes looks droopy and her face is full of snot. The dresses don't match, they "match match". Addison always says this when two things look alike. She actually let me take a picture. Where she was still. And not cheesy smiling. And while I was taking this Morgan almost fell off the couch. Oops.
I miss my girls! Give them a big kiss for me and tell Addison a package will be on the way soon for her and a little something for Morgan too, of course! You girls rock!!! Aunt Angela
This is our blog. A tiny glimpse into our somewhat normal life. I'm addicted to Starbucks, like to take naps on the weekends, and watch a lot of useless TV. You’ll find stories and pictures about my three favorite people. Michael is my fabulous husband who puts up with all my crazy. Addison is our very talkative, smarter than her own good, seven year old. Morgan is our sweet five year old that loves to sing and tell made up stories. I love them all so much.
love them too cute.
I miss my girls! Give them a big kiss for me and tell Addison a package will be on the way soon for her and a little something for Morgan too, of course!
You girls rock!!!
Aunt Angela
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