Thursday, July 8, 2010

the beach

Morgan's been to the beach before, but never in full swimwear, sunscreened from head to toe and playing in the water. That changed Monday when we made a last minute decision to head to the beach late that afternoon. In all honesty, going to the beach is kind of a pain. I love the sun and the idea of the beach, but everything about it kind of sucks. I don't like cold water. The sand is everywhere. And there's just so much stuff with two little ones. We decided to take just the minimal stuff needed and not stay for a long time. It was slightly overcast which was nice and it all turned out okay.

Morgan didn't love it at first. We played right on the edge of the water and she freaked out every time a wave would come in. And trust me, it barely got her wet. Eventually she got used to it and only looked at me funny instead of crying. However, she lost it when I made Michael dunk her to clean the sand off.

I still can't believe her hair is so blonde.

Addison is definitely my daughter. I'm not sure if she heard me talk about the water being cold, but at first she was having no part of it. Michael convinced her to go in with him and she had a blast. I heard about the waves the whole way home.

I'm convinced that at the end of the summer we will have about a million "she shells" as she calls them. Her main goal while we were there was to collect as many as she could. I talked her in to leaving the broken ones there. Or maybe I tossed them when she wasn't looking. The ones that made it home now rest in a Tupperware container that she sleeps with.

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