Tuesday, August 31, 2010

seeking advice

I'm tired. Mainly because I can't get a good night's sleep. It took awhile and a little sleep training, but after 11 and a half months of her life Morgan started sleeping through the night. And she sleeps like an angel. She goes down around 8 and won't even let me rock her anymore. I go in there in the morning around 6:45 and find her still sleeping or playing with the buttons on her mobile. It's a dream.

Want to know about my nightmare? It's about 3 feet tall and can scale baby gates. And is darn proud of this new found talent.
Don't let this face fool you. It's been rough. Tantrums, whining, refusing to listen and typical three year old stuff. I can handle most of it with two Advil and a beer. Terrible two's? I'd take those back in a heartbeat. But the waking up at night thing is killing us. And I don't know what to do. At first I gave in. When she would wake up and want mommy to lay with her for a few minutes I did. Then the doc gave me a friendly reminder that doing that probably wasn't the best thing. So I stopped. Here's the thing. She only wants me. To break her of that Michael started going in. She would cry for me, but would eventually stop and go back to sleep. And it worked. For a good couple of weeks she slept soundly and I was waking up feeling like I just downed a can of Red Bull. And then it started again.

Let me just add that recently there seems to be some anxiety issues surrounding all of this (maybe?). I have always been the one to read and sing to her. And then I would leave. No issues. But now it's: "Don't leave me mommy. I don't like my bed. I don't want to be alone. Please stay in the living room." The same things I hear in the middle of the night. And then I have to try and escape the death grip that she has my arm. We've been working Michael into this routine and it's gotten better.

I feel like we've tried everything. Rewards. Eliminating tv time. Middle of the night car rides. Plenty of hugs, kisses and reassurance that work to calm her down, but when I go to leave she starts freaking out again.  An occasional spanking (don't judge, I was desparate, but have since realized it doesn't work). Leaving the light on. Leaving the door open. Baby gates. Comfort objects. Offering a spot on the floor in our room to sleep (a tip I got from the internet that didn't work). Short of laying in her bed or letting her lay with us, both of which I refuse to do, nothing seems to work.

That's why I've turned to you, internet friends. I need your advice. What worked for you? What didn't work? I need something, FAST! Last night was another one of those nights and I'm falling asleep typing this.


Shannon said...

This single non child having friend says drug her! Nyquil benedryl????

Have you tried leaving the TV or radio on?

Anonymous said...

erika.....not sure but it can be scared of what happened to her sister ya never know......nakayla lynn my granddaughter is 3 now and i would take back two's toooo lol but we have found that we giver her own space which sound like she has but we also give her something toy ,stuffed animal, blanket that we explain needs her and only her to make sure she is safe that way she can feel like she is dependant on does that make sense.....its hard for her right now as her mommy and daddy are going thru a divorce so we seen alot of bad behavior in her but once we made her know that she is needed by something someone it has helped i made her own room in our house and she has been so excited about it......i know she still whines for her mom when she is with us and we just tell her mommy is at work and she grabs her binx which is her blanket and is fine but idk might be what happened to her sister might be new baby she needs to hear she is the big girl the big sister i hope i helped after i read it sounds like rambling i just know with nakayla lynn we had to help her adjust to some things they may be small and only three but they are smart and we need to help them hugs and love to you all

Brandyn said...

Maybe you could have a talk with her about why she doesn't like to stay in her room...although childrens' 'reasoning skills' come at different stages and ages....Maybe take her to 'Build~A~Bear' and let her make a special lovey to sleep with her at night...one that stays in her bed JUST FOR HER and she can only have IN HER BED...the radio might be a good option as well...I am not offering this advice as an expert who beat this scenario...our son fought from DAY ONE to sleep with us and 2 mths before his 4th B~Day we finally gave in and he's been in "OUR" bed every night since...

debi said...

erika, i went through the same thing with haley (who will be three sunday). she went from going to sleep without a problem to throwing tantrums and using any excuse to get out of bed. she also went a month sraight having night terrors. what has worked for me is a strict scheduled routine. we take baths, then both girls get to pick out a story, then after i read them both they know it is time for bed. i also put on an audio story or music every night for them. we still have hiccups every now and then but i can say it gets better with time and constant routine. i also have a night light in the room and that has seemed to help. my haley is very clingy to me also (her sister is very independent). I am not sure if you have her in daycare or not but maybe have a talk with whomever is watching her to see if they have noticed any changes in her "regular routine". i don't recomend the tv, i did that with dyllan and he is almost 14 and still has to have it on! biggest mistake i ever made! :)i hope you find some of this helpful, good luck!

Rachel C said...

Erika, having 2 girls, 11 and 6. I understand you completely. I'm all for benedryl myself.haha
She is 3, its just separation issues I would think. My girls went through the time of "I can't do anything without mommy" but that will pass.. :( You can't let her get away with with these fits or tantrums but at the same time she may really be scared. I still snuggle with both my girls, yes even the 11 yr old. Its just 15 minutes a night but they feel loved and safe after I do ( and its great bonding time for my and my oldest). I do recommend a book for Michael.. Strong Fathers Strong Daughters... Its a great and must read for all dads with daughters. Rachel Coile