Thursday, July 21, 2011


Here are some thoughts running through my head that I want to write down.

Three weeks ago Addison performed on a stage. This is a big deal. Addison has always been shy. She won't go up to the altar during church for the children's message because she is that uncomfortable. She may actually freak out if you push her too hard. Which she did the night of the performance. It was the closing ceremony for vacation bible school and she totally lost it. Hysterically crying, on the verge of a panic attack. So I didn't force her, but I did go up there on my own. She followed and within 5 minutes she sent me back to my seat. It was a proud moment for me. I have it on video, but it's on Michael's phone. I'll have to get him to stop playing Angry Birds so I can upload it to my computer.

Morgan is starting to potty train. Sometimes she tells me when she has to go. Sometimes I find her with a dry pull-up. Most of the time I put her on the potty and she will go. She's picked it up really quickly and I hope it won't take her long to be fully trained. I haven't focused a lot of my attention on it over the weekends so if I can get on board then it may happen faster.

Michael and I just picked out wood floors for the house. They should be going in sometime next week. It's been a long time coming. I decided in January that I wanted to put them in and it's taken me this long to make the phone call. The day I made the call was the day Addison decided to draw a race track on my carpet with a blue crayon. Lucky for her I just don't care. So the race track is still there and she can play with it for another week or so.

The girls are addicted to music videos, specifically Single Ladies by Beyonce. Morgan begs for it. Kids Bopz has a version on demand that I play for them. Addison has two left feet when she dances and Morgan just likes to jump. Cracks me up every time. It's entertainment for both them and me.

Neither of my children will eat. I pray that they eat their lunch at school everyday because they don't eat much at home. I offer them a variety of things and sometimes I beg them to eat the most unhealthiest thing I can find just so they will have something in their stomach. That doesn't always work either. It's a miracle they haven't wilted away. They do consume a TON of milk so I guess that is sticking to their bones. I try not push them too hard because I don't want them to boycott it even more. I admit that sometimes it worries me.

The other night I picked Morgan up out of her crib just to rock her. It was about 9:45. She nestled into my arms and continued to sleep the next 15 minutes. I rocked her and kissed her little head. She's such a loving, cuddly little thing. She only woke when I laid her down to look for the 3 paci's that she still sleeps with at night. Which reminds me. I need to throw those away and ween her off completely.

Both the girls will be starting a new school soon. It was a really hard decision for me to move Addison away from all of her friends and not one I made easily. I was a wreck for about a week. I wavered back and forth four times a day and spent most of my nights tossing and turning. After I committed to moving them I slept like a baby so I feel like it's the right move. It will be an adjustment, but I know they will do fine. On the other hand, I will be an emotional mess on their last day. I've formed relationships with the teachers and the parents at their current school and I will miss them. I've already cried and I'm sure I'll cry some more. I'm such a baby.

I don't think Morgan's hair is going to change. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are just too blonde for it to change. For some reason I have a gut feeling that it's going to be blonde for a really long time.

That's what's been going on in our house and in my head. Now you know.

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