Saturday, May 5, 2012

addison's special day

Rather than missing hours of work here and there for all of the upcoming appointements I decided to do them all in one day. Addison and I would take the day off together, cross off all the doctors and spend some time together. It would be her special day. What might not sound like fun to all of you is nothing but excitement for Addison.

First stop of the day was Starbucks. We enjoyed our drinks and treats on the patio before heading to the pediatrician. I made sure she had lots of liquid so she could pee in a cup. All went according to plan since she had to go as soon as we got there. Then the freak out started. Flat out refusal. After 10 minutes of screaming and pleading I gave up. It all worked out in the end. The doctor and nurses convinced her to make 100 bubbles in the cup and she he had to prove she could do it.

She wanted to hide from the doctor. Just for fun. Not because she was scared.
Addison is a healthy 5 year old. She weighs 37.6 lbs and is 42.5 inches tall. That puts her at the 25th percentile for weight, 50th for height and her BMI at 25%. Doc said you can't ask for anything better. We talked about a lot of things, she gave me a lot of tips and Addions got her finger pricked. She freaked out a little, but just like me realized that it's all for nothing. It wasn't that bad after all.

I took her to her old school to visit some of her friends. I got to reconnect with a lot of the teachers I consider friends and she played with the kids like no time had passed. They all wanted her to come back the next day to play.

From there we went to lunch. I let Addison pick whatever she wanted and her choice was pizza. The slice is almost as big as she is. She looked at me at one point and said, "I was hungry, but now I'm not any more. I know I won't be able to finish all of this".
Next up - dentist. I try to schedule the cleanings so I go first and then she goes right after me. So when they tried to take us both at the same time, in different rooms, I knew that wasn't going to fly. Addison is still very shy when it comes to some things and cleanings are one of them. She needs me to be in the room with her. They worked with us and still got us both in. This was her best visit yet. They got really good xrays and were able to clean and flouride her teeth without any problems. The dentist couldn't promise me anything, but right not it looks like Addison will NOT need braces. Her teeth are perfectly staight and evenly spaced leaving enough room for the new ones to come in. My mom has perfect teeth without braces. I have straight teeth with a ton of other issues, but no braces. One out of two isn't bad. Morgan hasn't been to the dentist yet, but I know she will need braces.
We were supposed to go to the movies, but instead had to spend some time at the Mayo Clinic. Let's just say there will be no more babies in our future. Normally they are right on schedule, but this day we had to wait. Addison was a little tired and ready for the ice cream I promised her, but made use of the time by watching a video. When you're 5 you can get away with treating the waiting room like you're living room.
We finally got a milkshake and went outside to play. We duck and fish watched, climbed trees and played some serious games of hide-and-seek and tag. I can only imagine what the people inside the building were thinking when they saw us running around outside.
We had a fun, but a tiring day. Getting in and out of the car over 10 times in one day takes a toll on a 5 year old. I allowed both of the girls to stay up a little bit late and they were out as soon as their head hit the pillow. Come to think of it, so was I.

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