Wednesday, October 3, 2012

just another 5k

This past weekend I ran another 5k. I had my timing chip on and I was ready to go.
The course had photographers taking pictures. I found this sweet picture of me about to cross the finish line. I knew I had a good chance at breaking 30 minutes so I was pushing it hard. Note to self: make sure to look pretty when there could be a possible picture.
My friend Jill ran the race with me. She was the one I was supposed to meet up and do the first race with, but I could never find her. We found each other this time. This was after the race.
I felt really good running this race. I had a good week leading up to it and I felt really prepared. The finishing clock and my iPod both said I had made it in under 30 minutes, but nothing was official. I hoped I had reached my goal.
That night I checked the results. I did it! 29:33. I improved my time by 2:18 seconds. 
This running thing is starting to become fun. I like signing up for the races because it keeps me going. I get out and run at home. I go to the gym. I even started throwing some Jillian Michaels videos into the mix. I'm going to shoot for another 5k in about 2 months. Then we'll see if I'm ready to up the mileage.

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