Tuesday, November 20, 2012

pow wow

Last week was the big Pow Wow at school. It was recommended to me by another mom that I stay for most of the day, so I took the first half of the day and went to school with Addison. Her class was the Iroquois tribe. I helped her and some of the other kids get into their costumes. They couldn't wait for it to start.
All of the classes came out and did a dance to the fox song. That song is still stuck in my head and Michael and I are caught singing it all the time. Addison went through all the motions, but still got a little shy when she spotted me with my camera.
Chief Chets Creek, also known as the PE teacher, came out and did his own dance. I think he looked pretty cool.
It was dark and dreary on Friday and rain threatened the whole thing, but they were still able to do it outside. But it was windy and cold. By the time it was all over everyone just wanted to go inside. They had to get a class picture first.
Back in the classroom we had a few minutes to take pictures before we headed off to the different stations. Addison was upset because she really wanted to take her costume off, but her teacher convinced her to keep it on.

This is the Indian we made at home. She was supposed to give herself a name so we thought hard and she chose Brave Composer. Mostly because she loves to write, draw and make up stories, therefore, a composer. I thought it was cute.
We went to the media center to hear about how the Native Americans might have hunted, where they lived and see some artifacts. Then we ate lunch before heading out to the tepee for story time. This thing was pretty sweet. The middle was run up the school flagpole and then it was fanned out from there. Whoever did this put some serious though and time into this thing.
It was big enough to fit all 38 kids in her class, teachers, many parents and volunteers. I loved it! I also like the panoramic camera on my iPhone. Totally forgot about it.
After the tepee it was time for a scavenger hunt. This is me trying to keep Addison warm. I think it was colder than it was just a couple of hours before.
My little scavenger hunter. It was interesting to see her take the leadership role in her group. She grabbed the picture map and lead the way. I was proud of her.
I wish I could have stayed the whole day and done more of the stations with her, but believe it or not I do work a little. This was a fun kick off to the holiday season.

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