Both my mom and Michael were able to go to the ultrasound appt on Thursday. It was really fun to be able to see baby girl so far along. She's weighing in at about 5 lbs, 13 oz and is already head down. We got to see her practice her breathing a little, all four chamber of her heart beating and the blood flow to her kidney's. Doc says she looks great. She's so cramped in there so the pictures aren't great, but I really did love this one of her nose and lips. I can't wait to see what she looks like.

1 comment:
I really hate I have not been able to partake in my next niece's birth process. I feel so disconnected please tell her she has an aunt who wishes she could be around for all those neat things I am missing. She won't even know my voice as I have not been able to be around but maybe someday they will know how much I love them and wanted to be there for all their firsts and holidays. Love you girls.
Aunt Ange
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