I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is still right on schedule. The baby's heart rate was at 148 and she was kicking around the whole time. I was very impressed when I got on the scale and there was ZERO weight gain. Not one pound in nine days. I was so happy. So happy that I went to get a frappuccino and then I felt horrible the rest of the day. I'm swelling just a little bit, but nothing compared to Addison.
Things are starting to come together. I still have some straightening up to do in the nursery, but I can't find the motivation. I guess I'm not too concerned since she'll be in the bassinet for awhile. I probably should pack a bag for the hospital just in case. I'm excited, anxious and a little nervous all at the same time.
Here are some self portraits. I figured out how to use the timer on my good camera. And I figured it's been awhile since I've shown my face. Not the best since it was taken in the bathroom mirror, but you get the idea.

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