Thursday, April 12, 2012

easter eggs

We had such a great time dyeing eggs this year. The girls were really into it and had a lot of fun. I did catch Morgan banging the eggs together and then wondering how they cracked, but it didn't matter. We dyed those anyway.
There's never a project without any tears. Morgan had to share the egg scooper thing because we only had one. She wasn't too happy about that. I think she was just so excited she didn't want to stop. 
They loved using the crayons to draw pictures and write their name on the eggs. After they were showered and the eggs were dry they decorated them with stickers and tattoos.
The finished product. They were so proud of the designs they created.
And yes. In our house we dye our eggs using Christmas towels. We're festive all year round.
Happy Egg hunting!

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