Thursday, April 5, 2012

easter at school

Addison had a little snack party at school today. They made pigs in a blanket and had an Easter Little Debbie cake. You know the ones. The egg shaped brownies covered in icing and the cakes shaped like butterflies. I did NOT have one. I took pictures with my real camera, but my battery died and I can't upload them. Thank goodness for cell phones.
After the snack party they went on the hunt for Easter eggs hidden outside. Each were allowed four eggs. Addison found the golden egg. None of the eggs were stuffed with goodies, but the teachers let them put one quarter in each egg when they got back inside. Addison got three extra quarters in her golden egg.
Before I left I went to give Morgan a kiss. The class was outside and she was fully engaged in the water table and spray bottle. She barely even noticed I was there she was having so much fun. Then I caught her attention and she was still being silly.
I love being able to break up my day and spend a little time with them. It's just as much a treat for me as it is for them.

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