Friday, January 18, 2013

tennessee christmas, PRESENTS!

After dinner we opened gifts. The girls had waited for this all week. And when the tree looks like this how can you not be excited.
The girls have been drooling over these slippers. I'm sure you've seen the Stompeez commerical on tv. I purposely didn't buy them because I knew I would get the "What do the girls want for Christmas" question from someone. When Aunt Angela asked me, this was my answer. It was the first thing they opened.
If you ask the girls they will probably tell you that this is their favorite gift they got.
They got a lot of other great things as well. These Disney dolls from Aunt Krista were the prettiest things. I almost didn't want to take them out of the box. Addison loves anything Hello Kitty.
Michael even got some Barbie stuff.
Patsy got a canvas of our family shot we took back in July. She was pretty surprised and happy.

Just some random pictures. I love my sweet sister-in-law Krista. Our visit this year was short, but sweet. I love spending time with her.
Uncle Scott and Aunt Angela are the best! They're so sweet to my girls and love them so much. The girls always spend a night over at their house when they're in. They get spoiled to death and it gives Michael and I a chance to hang out with some friends while we're in town.
This is a rare picture. Sheila (on the left) doesn't do pictures. I thought this one turned out cute.
Let's not forget Jax. Morgan is always scared of him at first and I can't blame her. He is twice as big as her. Then she realizes that he is the sweetest dog ever and they are best buds.
That was the trip. The next morning we headed home to prepare for Christmas Eve and Santa. We had the best ride home yet. We ate in the car, stopped twice for gas and bathroom breaks, and no one had a meltdown. That is a successful trip.

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