Tuesday, March 11, 2014

cookies for santa

Christmas Eve did not go as planned. First there was the nail in my tire. Then I couldn't remember what time church started so we didn't make it. And since I'm the best mom ever we made cookies for Santa right out the fundraiser pack I bought from Addison's school. Addison totally called me out on it.
I explained to her that Santa just liked cookies. He didn't care how they were made.
That's right. I let the girls eat raw cookie dough. Told you. Best mom ever.
Things got a little crazy. This is what the holidays do to people.

I'm so glad that my Dad is able to be with us each year on Christmas Eve. You don't understand the craziness that goes on in our house until you get to experience it with us. After this cookie experience, I needed a beer as well.

Look at those cookies ready to go in the oven. I worked mighty hard to get those dough balls on the tray.
Addison went outside after bath to sprinkle her reindeer food that she made at school. She wanted to make sure that they found our house.
Then she wrote a note to Santa telling him how much they love him and already thanking him for the presents.
The usual spread for Santa and his helpers. Cookie and milk for the big guy, apples for the reindeer, and cheese for Santa mouse.
I had too super excited little girls who were all ready for bed.
 Santa worked hard that night to get everything ready. Let me just tell you that he was worn out.

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