Friday, March 21, 2014

valentine's day

I'm skipping around all over the place, but I'm bound and determined to get this blog up to date.

I got my first Valentine a couple days earlier in the mail. Morgan went on a field trip to the post office with her class. I was super happy when this came in a special envelope.
I started Valentine morning by rolling out of bed at 5 a.m. for a workout. I had to make up for the wine and chocolate I would be having later. When I got home I had a sweet surprise from my little family. Cards, an orchid, and breakfast made just for me. The egg in the middle was cooked in a tiara shaped cookie cutter. Michael tried.
Then I had a few presents for the girls. Morgan pulled this lip pop out (think ring pop, but with lips) and just laughed and laughed. This was mid laugh.

I found this popcorn idea on Pinterest. It was super easy and cheap. The girls worked so hard on their Valentines, writing their names and their friend's names on each one. 
And since Addison had about 40 and a her own big box for collecting others, I drove her to school. She's just one of my special Valentine's.
I guess it was convenient for the school for Valentine's to be on a Friday so they could have the dance. Not so convenient for couples who might want to go to dinner. Addison was so excited for her first dance. I volunteered to take her since, you know, I love to cut a rug. 
Michael told Morgan he would take her to dinner anywhere she wanted to go for their special date. And all she wanted to do was go to Wendy's.
 Addison had a great time at the dance. I was shocked to see that the dance was packed and kids were actually dancing. Even Addison! She met up with her friend Riley and they danced the night away. Well, just the hour and half that was the dance. 
Then I posed for a picture with my date. 
Addison invited Riley and her dad to dinner with us. Yep. I had Valentine's dinner with another woman's husband and not my own. It was only awkward when we almost had to sit next to one another in the booth. From the looks of it, Morgan had a great time on her date with Michael. That's a girl happy to have her Wendy's.
Michael and I made up for it the next night when we went to dinner and did a little shopping without kids. I even did my hair.

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