Wednesday, March 5, 2014

the fun(d) run

Addison has this fundraiser at school where they run laps for money. Personally, it's my favorite fundraiser. There is nothing to sell and it doesn't cost a ton of money. Her goal this year was to run 30 laps and raise $120. Just like last year, I made her make all of the phone calls to friends and family. She had to tell them what she was doing and ask them to sponsor her.

Here she is gearing up for the race.
This picture is blurry, but I love it! She was so excited and happy to be running.
 Here she is coming through the line to get her lap marked off.
Getting back into her lap after a water break.
I just love this face so much.
It was typical FL weather this past Thursday morning. The day before was sunny and 75 degrees. The morning of the race it was 48 degrees, windy and overcast. Every child had super red cheeks.

 She met her goal of 30 laps, marked off all 36, and still kept on running.
 I was so proud of her.
Thank you friends and family for sponsoring Addison. She raised a total of $240 and came home with a bunch of neat prizes. And now she's entered into a drawing for a new Kindle. She really does love this race and all of you.

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