Morgan turns six months old today. Seriously? I blinked and here we are. Look at this face. Melts my heart every time.
I don't know if it's because she has a bigger sister who needs a lot of attention right now. Or if it's because that same big sister is always poking her face or blowing on her belly. Or if she can tell that mom is a little stressed at times. But Morgan is the most laid back baby. She rarely cries and always has a smile on her face. She's so content with playing with her feet while taking in all of the chaos that goes on around her.
She's been rolling both ways for about two weeks now and really has no interest in crawling. She'll reach for her toys and do circles on the floor and I have to admit that I kind of like having a stationary baby. She likes toys that crinkle and has the best time when she's bouncing in her jumperoo. She's starting to chew on anything she can get her hands on, including my fingers. Which by the way sometimes hurts.
Morgan doesn't nap in her crib on the weekends. Nope. She naps with me. And I love it. We snuggle the entire time and when she wakes up we always spend a couple of minutes talking to each other. One of my favorite moments of the day. She started sleeping through the night at three months, but we've had some rough nights recently. Now that she's rolling over she sleeps most of the night on her tummy and it's a blessing. She can also put her paci back in her mouth which make self soothing a lot easier.
I'm still breast feeding her, but do have to give her a bottle of formula a day. I'm a little sad about it, but okay with it. I haven't started her on any foods yet and I'm really not in a hurry. I may even push it out another month or so.

She's been rolling both ways for about two weeks now and really has no interest in crawling. She'll reach for her toys and do circles on the floor and I have to admit that I kind of like having a stationary baby. She likes toys that crinkle and has the best time when she's bouncing in her jumperoo. She's starting to chew on anything she can get her hands on, including my fingers. Which by the way sometimes hurts.
Morgan doesn't nap in her crib on the weekends. Nope. She naps with me. And I love it. We snuggle the entire time and when she wakes up we always spend a couple of minutes talking to each other. One of my favorite moments of the day. She started sleeping through the night at three months, but we've had some rough nights recently. Now that she's rolling over she sleeps most of the night on her tummy and it's a blessing. She can also put her paci back in her mouth which make self soothing a lot easier.
I'm still breast feeding her, but do have to give her a bottle of formula a day. I'm a little sad about it, but okay with it. I haven't started her on any foods yet and I'm really not in a hurry. I may even push it out another month or so.
She's close to sitting up, but still needs a little help. Just this weekend she started to use her lips to make a "ba" sound. Sometimes she spits a little when she does it and it makes me giggle. Morgan doesn't giggle that much unless Addison is in the room. They can go back and forth for 10 minutes laughing at not much of anything. It's those moments that I cherish with the both of them.
We love our baby bug so much.
*picture by Taryn Lewis. More to come from her.
I love this post!! I miss you guys so much. I mean seriously I just saw you, but reading this makes me miss the girls even more.
We miss you too. I was just looking at the Sea World pics today. We'll meet up sooner than later. Promise!
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