I had so much fun this Halloween. And I took a million pictures as proof. Addison is at the perfect age. She is so curious and excited about every new thing. I will always remember the decorating that went in to every holiday at our house so I've been trying to do the same thing ever since Addison was born. This year I upped the fun. I bought some additional decorations for the house and the yard. She loved it!
We went on the search, in the rain, for the perfect pumpkin. Addison had to have a little one for Morgan and a big one for herself. The next night we carved them. Let's just say that it's hard to use a large bread knife (see knife below) to cut a pumpkin. The next day I got home from work and my dad had left a nice pumpkin carving kit from Williams-Sonoma on the table. Thanks Dad! But it was a day late. The finished project. Boy I need to work on my skills. We decided to call it "Morganhead". It was the most perfect shaped pumpkin in the front, but a little flat in the back. :)More to come.
This is our blog. A tiny glimpse into our somewhat normal life. I'm addicted to Starbucks, like to take naps on the weekends, and watch a lot of useless TV. You’ll find stories and pictures about my three favorite people. Michael is my fabulous husband who puts up with all my crazy. Addison is our very talkative, smarter than her own good, seven year old. Morgan is our sweet five year old that loves to sing and tell made up stories. I love them all so much.
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