This little girl is full of life. I took these pictures at the park the other day. Look at her smile. She is constantly cracking me up with the things she says and does. I can't get enough. Her imagination has taken over so there is always a story to be told and friends to play with. She is loving music right now. Particularly Lady Gaga. Every time we get in the car she asks me for Just Dance and then Can't Read My (that's what she calls Pokerface). I love Lady Gaga and all, but I'm really getting sick of those songs. Her other favorite is Party in the USA. Saturday morning we turned it on and had a dance party in the living room. She likes to nod her head and move her hips. She recently learned how to jump off the trunk in the living room all by herself. She'll either land on the floor or the couch. Either way she's just as proud. She can now do a somersault in the floor and will spend minutes just flipping. Addison is the only one in the house who can really get Morgan to laugh. She loves getting down on the floor with her to do tummy time and is always getting her toys to play with. She really isn't rough with Morgan, but does have her moments. A pinch here, a tug there. She doesn't quite get that there are some things you just can't do. Like the other day when I caught her sitting on Morgan's back. She told me she was getting a piggy back ride. Don't worry. Morgan wasn't hurt. She's such a great big sister and Morgan adores her. Addison is doing really well with potty training. She only uses a pull-up at nap time and bedtime, but we're getting close to cutting out the nap time pull-up. She still isn't a big breakfast eater and will eat a pancake every day if you let her. Getting her to eat meat is still a challenge, but we have no problem with carbs and starches. She will eat bread and pasta until the cows come home. And milk. We go through a lot of it. She definitely has strong bones. She thrives on routine and if I'm home she will only let me put her to bed. Read books, sing songs (always You Are My Sunshine first), snuggle and then kisses. Then as you walk out she tells you to leave the door open. Every night the same thing and I love it. She constantly has something in her hands. Recently it is the mini bottle of baby lotion and a Tide pen. She doesn't really do anything with them; she needs to hold them. She is so loving. If you ever need a hug or a kiss then Addison is your girl. She randomly tells me that she loves me and out of nowhere will plant a kiss on your cheek. I'm so glad she's my baby girl. I love her so much.
This is our blog. A tiny glimpse into our somewhat normal life. I'm addicted to Starbucks, like to take naps on the weekends, and watch a lot of useless TV. You’ll find stories and pictures about my three favorite people. Michael is my fabulous husband who puts up with all my crazy. Addison is our very talkative, smarter than her own good, seven year old. Morgan is our sweet five year old that loves to sing and tell made up stories. I love them all so much.
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