This is it. I promise. Addison's friend Jake and his family came over to trick or treat with us. She really hasn't had a play date yet so this was sort of a first. They were too funny. I really don't have a lot of great pictures of her in her costume because I couldn't get them to sit still for two seconds.
I modified Addison's costume for the heat. I cut off the feet and the long sleeves and added some fur to her shoes. Addison and Jake were all about the lollipops. They were so excited when they went to a house with a lollipop. And they both were so polite with their "trick-or-treat's" and "thank you's". Morgan was the perfect dalmatian. She slept the entire time and was too cute doing it. All of her loot. It really wasn't that much, but I was totally okay with that. Addison never really has been a sweets eater. She prefers lollipops and m&m's so everything else was for us. Great. Just what I need. It was a fun Halloween. In fact, I still have decorations up that I need to put away. Christmas decorations coming out sooner than later.
This is our blog. A tiny glimpse into our somewhat normal life. I'm addicted to Starbucks, like to take naps on the weekends, and watch a lot of useless TV. You’ll find stories and pictures about my three favorite people. Michael is my fabulous husband who puts up with all my crazy. Addison is our very talkative, smarter than her own good, seven year old. Morgan is our sweet five year old that loves to sing and tell made up stories. I love them all so much.
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