Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I was eating a bowl of cereal the other morning and Addison was dying for her own. Here she is eating her first bowl of cereal all by herself. Surprisingly, she did pretty good.

Monday, November 24, 2008

doc appt

For some reason I get so nervous the day of my appointments, especially today. My appetite has subsided some and now I really feel not pregnant. I was really looking forward to hearing the heartbeat this morning to settle my nerves. This baby is really stubborn. They had trouble finding the heartbeat again. I'm sure they would have had no trouble finding mine since it was through the roof. But, there it was. 153 bpm. There was no worry on the doc's face so I have to believe that if there was a problem he would have told me. "Position of the baby, must be having a bad day" is what he said. "Everything looks good. Just try to enjoy it". Well, that's all I need to hear. I'm better now.

Everything else was good too - blood pressure, iron levels (I hate finger pricks) and my weight. Which, by the way, is not going up as fast as it did last time. At this time with Addison I had already gained 15 pounds. Only 8 so far, weighing in at 114. I feel quite proud of myself.

My next appt is the ultrasound on December 11th. I really hope that I feel the baby move between now and then to calm my nerves a little. I thought I would be more at ease this time around. Funny how that works.

And just a side note, Addison's heartbeat was always in the 170 range. They say boys are lower. Maybe I have a stubborn, uncooperative boy in there.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

shocking news

I've been reading. Not People magazine. Not Parent magazine. Actual BOOKS!!!
It started the beginning of September. I bought Twilight (the first book in the series) for about $5 and figured I wouldn't feel bad if it just sat in the corner and I never read it. I was a little curious to see what all the fuss was about. Was it that good? So I hopped on the bandwagon and started it back when Michael and I went to TN for vacation. I was hooked. I finished the first one in about 5 days. New Moon in a little over a week. Eclipse took a little longer mostly because all of my TV shows started and you know how I am about my TV watching. And now I'm finishing up Breaking Dawn.

Let's do the math here. That's four books in about 3 months. Did I mention that I hate to read? I don't think I've read that much since college and I'm still not sure if school books count.

I love them! I'm 200 pages away from being finished and I can't wait to see how it ends. Who knew vampires would be so interesting. I think I may even get the other book by Stephanie Meyer. I have a trip coming up so it would make a nice companion on the plane.

And I'm super excited about the movie coming out this Friday. I'm such a dork.

Monday, November 17, 2008

never get tired of it

Her sweet face.
This was taken on the playground along our bike ride at the beach.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

bad influence

Ever wonder how Addison's face and hair get so messy when she eats? Here's your answer. Michael likes to play peek-a-boo with her at the table. When will he learn?

Friday, November 14, 2008

14 weeks

I'm still having trouble eating breakfast. Shouldn't this have passed by now? This morning I ate a yogurt because I was starving and then spent 30 minutes trying to not throw it up. I finally settled on some mac & cheese before leaving the house. And then a chicken biscuit from Chick-fil-a around 10. This baby is so picky in the morning.

The doc called the other day about the genetic testing I had done with the ultrasound two weeks ago. Everything came back negative which is a good thing. Our baby looks completely healthy.

I'm having a problem with my clothes. My regular clothes are long gone. I'm currently into the "in between clothes" that I bought after I had Addison. Those are working well with the button undone. Most of the maternity pants are too big, but I did find some in the storage container that were on the smaller size. I have to say that I didn't hate wearing them. There's something about the elastic waistband that makes you feel like a whole new girl. I'm hoping to make it a couple more weeks in my regular dresses and shirts.

I'm still tired and this morning I was just as cranky as Addison. Two cranky people in the same room leads to a lot of moodiness. I had to give her extra hugs and kisses this morning when I dropped her off because I felt so bad. Just hope she can forgive me.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

birthday fun

I feel so old already and it's only been 3 days. As you can see in the post below we started the day with some dancing and then I cleaned the house a little. Cleaning. Such a great gift to myself. My friend Allison came to visit on Saturday afternoon and we headed to the mall for some shopping and pedicures. It turned out to be a gorgeous day and it was really fun to just hang out with a friend (without our children). That night we headed to dinner at a Japanese Steak house called Daruma's. It was Addison's first time. I was a little nervous, but she loved it. I can't wait to take her back.

I walked out of the house and didn't even bring my purse. So I was without all sources of picture taking material. Luckily Allison came prepared and she started the picture taking in the car.
The waitress and grill man at the restaurant were so nice. They even embarrassed the heck out of me with a loud drum and birthday song. I'm not posting that picture. Addison got her own set of chopsticks and had no idea what to think about them. The fire in the beginning scared her a little, but it was all she could talk about through the entire meal. Every sizzle or pop was "fire". So the nice grill man did the fire for her again at the end. This time it wasn't as scary. She was so mesmerized by the entire process.
Allison made a good point and said you have to have cake and candles on your birthday. Even though I was stuffed and couldn't eat any, it was fun to sing and blow out the candles. Addison enjoyed helping.
Thanks to everyone who sent cards and gifts. It turned out to be a great birthday. A big thanks to Allison for spending the day with us. I had a really good time. And I can't wait for our next trip to Starbucks. :)

And to Michael...thanks for the awesome body pillow and gift card. I love you so much and birthdays wouldn't be the same without you.

Friday, November 7, 2008

13 weeks

This is my last week of the first trimester. I'm still feeling great. A little shocked that I made it through with no real morning sickness. I still have an off day here and there, but nothing really to complain about. I'm hoping some of my energy will return in the coming weeks. I swear I could fall asleep typing this. I'm still having the food aversion problem. The other day I had no interest in the pork chops or chicken that I knew were for dinner so I stopped and got a Whopper Jr. The tomato based products I had for dinner twice this week did not sit well with me and I wound up having an off day on Wednesday. And onions. They're a no go also. Now I'm just waiting to feel the baby move. Should be a couple of weeks. This was taken this morning after eating a bowl of cereal. There's a totally different shape than the first. Now I see the difference between morning and night.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


She put these on all by herself. Doesn't she look so proud.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

the loot

The morning after Halloween Addison wanted to check out all of the candy in her "pider". She got a bunch of good stuff for me to munch on. We let her keep one of the blow pops and the mini marshmallows. She did try a mini hershey bar. Every time she took a bite she spit it out in my hand. This went on until the end. I don't think she ever swallowed any of it.
Every neighborhood has 'that house'. You know the one. They give out stuff like this. That's right. A cereal bar.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

buzz buzz buzz

We had such a good time Halloween night. We headed out around 6:15 and Addison went strong until we got home around 7:40. I think having Piper and Caeley with us from next store helped keep her going. This is Addison and her best bud James. I spent some time at her school Friday morning enjoying the festivites, eating pizza and rice krispy treats.
Addison getting treats at Carl's house. Carl is the big black lab that lives two houses down. She was so excited to see him in the window. And she had to give Carl's pumpkin a kiss.
Taking a break in the street to check out her loot. She loved her candy. Instead of saying trick or treat at the front door, Addison would hold her bag out and say "candy". It was too funny. She did say thank you every time.
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!