Monday, August 18, 2014

first day of school

The summer kind of got away from me. We stayed so busy and had so much fun that I haven't had the time to do half of the things I wanted to. Including blog all of those fun things we did. But I can't go without posting about the first day of school. The first day of Kindergarten and Second Grade. Look at these two.
On Friday we met the teachers. I was shocked when I realized Morgan was actually nervous. That's just not like her. She's been so excited and then she buried her head in my leg when we walked up to talk to the teachers. She went from smiley to shy pretty quickly.
Addison lucked out and has Mrs. Lyons again. She was one of her Kindergarten teachers and now happens to be one of my good friends. Nina (as I like to call her) has a different co-teacher this year, but Addison is familiar with her as well. She walked in like big man on campus.
Sunday night I made their lunch, laid out outfits and got their backpacks together. Then I got up early to make sure I was ready with plenty of time to do hair and help them out. Here's the result. My youngest, the baby, my little bitty, started Kindergarten.
When I realized that all the new clothes I bought her were shorts, I took her to Target to let her pick out a dress. This is the one she picked out. It kind of fits her. A little girly, a little rock-n-roll.
She looks and acts like she's 15. This is not a good thing when she's telling me she's not going to do something.
This snaggle toothed girl was cool, calm and ready for second grade.
I asked her if she wanted to wear a dress and she decided on this outfit. It's totally her though.
The only thing she requested to wear was her shark's tooth necklace that she got in the Keys on our recent vacation.
Addison will complain about her little sister, but she sure does love her. And I later found out that she asked Mrs. Lyons a million times throughout the day if she thought Morgan would be okay.
Each year the school has a theme. This year it's the Wizard of Oz, "There's no place like home". Everything was decorated with bright colors, rainbows, and balloons. Some of the staff were dressed up like the characters, greeting the kids as they walked in the doors. And later they had a hot air balloon set up in the field that the principal and some of the staff took little rides in. They go all out.

We walked Addison to her class and her teacher was just opening the door. Her teacher was giving her instructions on what to do with her things and rather than get in the way I let her go in on her own. I kissed her outside, told her I loved her and then off she went. I shed a little tear only because she's growing up so fast.
There she is. Doing it all by herself while I stayed in the doorway. 
The Kindergarteners do not go to their classrooms. They go to the cafeteria and the teachers pick them up from there. I get it. They don't want ALL of those parents crowding the classes and the hallways. And having been through it once I know how it works. This sweet girl. She was nervous, but still all smiles.
This is about the time that I started to get emotional. I wasn't a bawling mess, but still teary. It was almost time for us to part ways. My sweet baby girl was now in big girl school. Yikes! They're just not so little anymore.
But before I sent her on her way,  we needed a proper selfie.
 And there she goes. Off to learn all kind of amazing things. 
I'm a pretty proud mom. These girls are my life and I love to watch them grow and learn new things each day. They make me smile and my heart full. It feels like a new chapter in our lives and I'm excited to see how it turns out.