Friday, August 30, 2013

mount vernon: part 2

After everyone was refueled with lunch, we headed out to the wharf and old tomb area. Thankfully there was a bus to the other side of the property so we didn't have to walk.

I'm so glad we had Rusty and Krista with us. We actually got some family pictures.
From there we walked through the farm area and saw all kinds of neat stuff. Fruits, veggies, old farm houses, and sheep. Lots of sheep.

It was only a short walk through the woods to Washington's Tomb. 
This tree has been here since about 1766.
The Tomb of Washington. 

From here we went to the slave memorial. You can spot Michael holding Morgan, Rusty and Addison walking ahead.

I don't know what it is about this kind of stuff, but it gets to me. Something about the dead just pulls at my heart. The memorial had Love, Hope and Faith written out in the concrete. It seemed fitting.
This is the old tomb where George was originally buried. He was then moved to the one above. After uploading this picture I saw the light just above the door. I found it interesting. Just saying.

On the way back to the shuttle bus we stopped for some pictures. And to rest a few minutes.

We weren't in the car long and Morgan was out. Mount Vernon was a lot of fun, but it made for a long day.

mount vernon: part 1

Sunday was our designated Mount Vernon day. It has been 17 years since I've been to DC and Mount Vernon, but for some reason I remember this spot. I remember these logs sticking out of the ground and the big open field. So much time had past and it still felt like yesterday.
Walking up to the house was pretty cool. Believe it or not the girls were pretty excited.

We had a good time exploring the grounds. Morgan checked out the garden and the spinning room.

The blacksmith was pretty fun to watch too.
This was the kitchen, which was actually in a separate building and not the house.

After the house tour we headed out to the hill at the back of the house. It was like pulling teeth trying to get a family picture, but we finally got one.
Rusty and Krista.
Me and Krista.
Before doing anything else we had to get some lunch. I had two cranky kids on my hands who were starting to meltdown. They actually had a really nice food court where Morgan got some cheese. Lots of it. And then she stored it in her cheek.
That face. It kills me.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

dc trip 2013

Every August there is a week where the school/summer camp that the girls attend is closed. I get why they do it, but it means that Michael and I have to take time off of work. We figure since we're going to be missing work then we might as well go do something fun. Last year we went on a cruise. This year we decided to go spent some time with Rusty (Michael's brother) and Krista in DC. Technically they live in Virginia, but it's close enough. Krista and I did the math. This was the first time that we were spending time together, alone. Meaning, just my little family with R & K. We were all looking forward to the trip, but the girls were especially excited. Morgan has never flown before so she was pumped about the flight itself. We had a 7 am flight. It seemed like a good idea to get there early and have the whole day ahead of us, but when the alarm goes off at 4:30 you start to rethink that plan. Too late now. We were bright eyed and on our way.
 Addison never leaves for an overnight trip without Sammy.
It was early so they had breakfast on the plane. And yes, they sometimes eat these muffins for breakfast. I've tried everything and have given up on breakfast. At this point I just want them to eat something.
We had clear skies that morning. The perfect flying weather. I took this leaving Jacksonville.
Here we were coming into DC.
Once we got all settled in we went to Old Town Alexandria for a walk through the shops and some lunch. We found our way to the Potomac River.
That night we laid low. We swam in the pool for a bit and then ordered in for dinner. It didn't take long for this to happen. Being up since 5 am and having no nap will do that to a girl.
She needed the rest. The next day we went to Mount Vernon. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

finally swimming

Morgan has had swimming lessons every summer since she was two. This year we went for her refresher in April and she picked up right where she left off. But when it came time to actually swim in the neighbors pool she refused. She always relied on the swim ring to float around in the water. I asked her to swim with me, begged and pleaded and she freaked out every time. I didn't want to push her too much so I let it go. I talked to her instructor who said we should bring her back for another lesson or two. Soon after that it clicked. It took 3 trips to the pool without a floatie and finally the light bulb went off. Now she's a fish.
 She jumps off the side and swims back and forth to us like it was nothing. I once caught her swim out a couple of feet to grab a toy that was floating and then swim back.
 I'm so glad the light bulb finally went off and everything has clicked. I have a feeling from here on out that she'll pick up right where she left off.

Friday, August 23, 2013


We've done a lot of bowling lately. At the beginning of August I went out with my work crew for our quarterly bowling shindig. I was so happy that our Irish friends Aisling and Zara could join us this time. Both were visiting the states this summer for internships. Zara (on the right) worked with Beth and I for 6 weeks. We showed her all sorts of American fun.
 Beth and I may not have bowled that well, but we're really good at drinking cranberry vodka's.
Morgan's class went bowling for their end of year party. Before leaving she  had to have one more turn on the swing. This is her official last day of school picture.
They had a blast! Morgan and two other friends would roll the ball and then giggle and squeal when it hit the pins. It was really cute to watch.
 Lunch was served. This one couldn't eat because she was pretending to be asleep.

I didn't get to stay for the entire game, but it sure was fun hanging out with my bowling champ. 
The Friday before school started we decided that we were going to take the girls and meet some friends at the water park. After seeing a 90% chance of rain we changed our plans and went bowling instead. I'm not sure who had more fun. The adults or the kids. This was the first game. I'd like to point out how I beat Michael. Then I'd like to point out how some of the kids were on track for scoring better than us. Let's just say the second game didn't go so well. Three adults didn't break 100. And the kids beat everyone other than Michael, who had a 180.
Jake, Lucas, Addison & Morgan. They've been best buds almost their whole life. I love that we have such great friends to hang out with.
Watch out everyone. I'm starting to practice now. I'm determined to kick some serious butt next time.