Monday, July 30, 2012

surprise party

Our trip to Tennessee was pretty close to Michael's mom's 60th birthday so Krista, Angela and I planned a surprise party for her. We spent the week crafting, cooking and baking to prep for the occasion. Based on the look on her face, I think we pulled it off.

Krista was the main party planner and thought of all the details. She found these cute cupcake toppers and personalized them with Patsy's dog Bella. The cake was done locally by a friend and Krista found the napkins online.
Each table had a personalized centerpiece with Patsy's picture and instead of gifts, the family did gift cards.
Patsy loved all the personal touches and had a really great time at the party. I'm glad the three of us were able to pull this off.
Addison is willing to take pictures if there is a cupcake involved.
Since our family photo shoot the night before didn't go as planned I hoped we could get a good family picture. We're not dolled up, but that's okay. I call these success.
My little family. I love them to pieces.
It's almost a miracle that I got all of the grand kids to look in the same direction and smile. It helps if you promise a silly face picture afterwards.
Happy 60th Birthday Patsy!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

4th of july

We had a little family barbecue at my sister-in-law's (Krista, Rusty's wife) parent's house. (Got that?) The girls and I were all decked out in our red, white and blue.
Me and Angela.
Addison pulled her classic move at dinner. Over the pictures already.
We had just enough time before leaving for the fireworks to get a quick four wheeler ride in. Addison was really unsure, but I promised her it would be lots of fun.
When she got back she was all smiles.
Morgan's turn. She had no fear. Smiles before and after.
While Morgan was on her ride, Addison was in a picture taking mood.

Addison and her Uncle Rusty. It's his four wheeler so we had to get a picture. And she did that pose all on her own. At the last minute she leaned back and put her hand up. I was dying.
Then we were off to the fireworks. While waiting for them to start this is what I saw. A tired little girl who perked up when she found a cell phone and could join the others.
Me and Angela again. We really get along great. Our visits are always so hectic that we never get to spend one on one time with each other. Boo.
Enjoying the fireworks.

It was so quiet on the ride home. Wonder why?
We had a great day. The next morning, not so much. After hours of fussing I made Addison take a nap. She slept for about four hours. The long week had finally caught up with her.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

tennessee visit

It's July 25th already? It feels like we just took this trip.

We spent the week of July 4th in Tennessee visiting family. That Monday we rented two pontoon boats and spent the day on the lake. We went swimming, grilled out, did a little tubing and got a lot of sun. The girls love being on the water.
Sister-in-laws. I love these girls. But why is Krista so tan? I'm the one who lives in Florida.
 I love this guy too.
Michael's mom and Matthew.
Even though I used about a bottle of sunscreen on them throughout the day, the girls did get a little sun on their arms and face. They also got very worn out and had to get some rest.
Morgan had a field day. With 10 of us on one boat she had her choice of cell phones.
Addison was happy because I let her drink Sprite that day. So happy that she insisted the can be in the picture with us.

Let it be noted that I bought this hat for Addison to wear, but since she refused I decided to wear it. I'm also happy to report that my face did not get sunburned. And because I'm always the one taking pictures, I just took one of myself.
I did five minutes of tubing and then paid for it for two days. This happens every time. When will I learn? The weather cooled down a bit that day and it was only 85 instead of 105. Turned out to be a great day!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

the car wash

Last week I paid $9 to have my car washed by a bunch of 5 year olds. Only the bottom half got washed, but it didn't matter. They had so much fun doing it. They are using the money they raised to pay for their end of year party.

Cutest car washers ever!

Monday, July 23, 2012

summer school

Addison is having a blast at her school this summer. The teachers are giving the kids some control and are letting them make decisions about what they want to do. Last week they had an art show which included some things from home and art they had made at school. The kids from the other classes came over to see what they had on display.
Addison called this one Coral Reef.
They also put on a rock concert last week. The audience was filled with a few parents and kids from other classes. They were blinged out with their crafted microphones and sang their hearts out. Addison and her group did Lady Gaga's Edge of Glory.

Michael and I were commenting about how she's come a long way. She stood up there on the stage and dance and sang like no one was watching. I was so proud of her. And then we went to leave and she cried.