Friday, October 31, 2008

baby pics

Everything checked out great at the appointment yesterday. The tech had a hard time seeing what she wanted to see because the baby wouldn't turn for her. Then the flips and kicks started and she got it. The heartbeat was at 171 bpm. Addison's was always in the 170 range so we'll see if it's another girl. My anatomy check ultrasound is scheduled for December 11th. Hopefully we can find out the sex of the baby if it wants to cooperate.

The glossy paper didn't scan so great so these aren't the best pics, but they're still cute. It's amazing to me all of the features that you can see when the baby is only 4 inches long.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


There have been a lot of people in my life who have been affected by breast cancer. Today marks the two year anniversay of my mom's surgery. She had a PET/CT scan yesterday and if everything looks good they will take out her port. I'm sure that everything will be fine. I know this because I can feel it. My mom has been so strong and positive over the last two years. I don't think there is much that can change her attitude. Thanks mom for putting up a good fight. We love you!
While I'm at it, I want to send my love to all of the other women in our lives that are just as strong as my mom.

*Patsy, Karen, Pam, Gwen, Cathy*

And to all the other ladies reading our blog - check your tata's. Get your mammograms. I had my first one in July. Yeah, it hurts a little, but I'm so glad that it's done and everything looks good. Take charge of your health. It's important.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

meet punkin

Addison and I did some pumpkin carving last night. I'm a big fan of holidays and traditions. Let me note that I do not claim to be a professional carver. Our pumpkin was created with love and has a ton of personality. Yeah, his mouth is a little crooked, but Addison loves him just the same. It's hard to work with a big knife when you have a child who wants to stick her hands in at the same time and get messy. My main goal was for no one to lose a finger.

After. I call him my Tennessee pumpkin because he only has two teeth. :)
I  left him on the table last night and this morning Addison insisted on eating breakfast with him. She is slightly obsessed with pumpkins. She even shared her banana. I love how her mind works.


verb: what you do when it's cold in the morning

Monday, October 27, 2008

addison *hearts* corn

Addison woke up in a not so great mood on Saturday morning. She was cranky and clingy and wanted nothing to do with her breakfast. I was in the kitchen prepping her dinner for that night and Addison was sitting on the counter "helping" me, mostly because she wouldn't let me put her down. I opened the can of corn and this is what I turn around to. It was about 10 a.m and I guess the hunger caught up with her. She was eating it by the handful. She even shared some with dolly. Michael's mom sent a package last week and that doll has been her best friend ever since.

Michael and I went to a wedding in the Orlando area on Saturday night and left Addison with my dad. I was so worried after the bad morning that we had, but Addison woke up from her long nap her usual self. My dad said that she was much better than I ever was. I'm glad they had a chance to hang out and spend some time together. And it was nice for Michael and I to get away for a night. I was able to have the air conditioner in the hotel room as low as I wanted it and it was heaven. The look on Addison's face when we got home Sunday morning was priceless. It sure is nice to walk in to a big running hug and a loud "mommy". Here's a picture from our evening.

heartbeat check

I just got back from the doctor. It took two tries, but my doc was able to find the heartbeat using the doppler. It was a little hard to hear, but still beating strong. I weighed in at 111 pounds, but I did just eat a pack of crackers and have a big glass of water. He gave me some codeine for my headaches (a couple of days too late). Now I'm prepared for next time. Everything looks great. I have my NT ultrasound on Thursday so we'll get to see the baby and it's little heart beating. I'm excited.

Monday, October 20, 2008

18 months

Addison turned 18 months old on Friday. Just like every morning, Michael went to get her out of bed and I got in the shower. He brought her in there to say good morning and I opened the shower curtain and saw this. Yep. That's right. She's barely awake and eating ice cream. Michael said she saw it in the freezer and really wanted some. Only dad's can get away with giving them ice cream for breakfast. It was her 18 month birthday so I let it slide.
Me and my sweet girl. She loves her mommy. She finds it very funny to rub noses and just touch face to face. It always makes her giggle. She's so sweet and cuddly and I love her to pieces.
We went to the doctor earlier this morning. She's still on the low side for her weight weighing in at 23 lbs (30th percentile), but my girl is still growing like a weed. She's 34 inches long, 97th percentile. She had one vaccine and her flu shot today which she was not happy about. I think she knows now they're coming. But she was happy about the lollipop afterwards. I have to brag a bit because I'm a proud mom and this is my blog so I can. The doc was so impressed with all of the things she was saying and understanding. She mentioned that she has the vocabulary of a two year old. Addison was also pointing to all of the body parts on her puppy and the Doc said that was advanced also. Ok, I'm done. Here she is waiting for the doctor.
I wasn't even going to put this in writing, but it's been a couple of days and I'm better with it now. We took Addison to get her hair cut on Saturday. Notice the difference in the above picture. I didn't take her to my girl which was a huge mistake. The guy chopped off all of her hair, it's completely uneven and choppy and she looks like a boy. I bawled my eyes out when we left. And then again an hour later. I've come to terms with it now because she's still so freakin cute, it grows so fast and in two weeks it will look a lot better. I know it's just a haircut, but it was one of the worst experiences I've had as a mother.

On a side note, I weighed myself at the doctor's office. I'm at 109.

Friday, October 17, 2008

this is our offspring

Bulldozer and medicine. My two favorite words that Addison says. Medicine sounds nothing like medicine and only her parents would know what she's talking about. What you don't see in this video is Michael and I dying laughing behind the camera. Evidently it's pretty funny to her too.

And she hasn't done the Teradactyl schreeching noise in awhile, but she was all about it this night.

***WARNING*** - don't turn your volume up too high because it is LOUD!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

growing belly

First belly picture. Michael took this last night before bed. After a long day of eating the belly is definitley bigger at night. But this is how I feel everyday. Big and bloated. And the baby is only an inch long. I think I'm going to be huge again.

Monday, October 13, 2008

it really is a lot of fun

We did it. We went out and bought bikes this weekend. And Addison loves it! Michael must have taken her for 15 rides this past Saturday. Sunday we went on a long bike ride down near the college. I get a little worn out when I'm the one peddling Addison, but don't have as much trouble as I thought I would. My butt is a little sore and I'm preparing myself for the pain in my legs that I'm sure will come, but so far I've really enjoyed it. My goal is one decent bike ride an evening. It's so much easier than running. Addison loves riding around the neighborhood and looking at all of the Halloween decorations. I'm just so glad that she enjoys it and doesn't even mind wearing her helmet.
Still has that cheesy smile.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

i could eat her up

She knows when she's done and she's very passionate about going outside. I just love her.

random thoughts

Just a couple of things in my head lately that I've been meaning to write down.

We bought Addison a potty last Friday night. Saturday she went poop in her potty and hasn't shown any interest in it since. We're not rushing or pressuring her at all. It's in there and when she's ready she'll let us know. It's still a little early I think.

Addison is addicted to school buses. She screams in excitement when she sees them and is disappointed when they pass us by. Everyday when we leave the house she says to me "go bus". I'm not sure why this started. This morning there was a bus one car ahead of us for a couple mile stretch and she was so upset that we weren't closer. I just love how her personality is starting to show more and more.

My morning sickness is pretty much non existent. I've been so lucky with this pregnancy. I was expecting the worse and wondering how I was going to function on a daily basis with a toddler, but so far so good.

This growing baby has me hungry all the time. I gained a lot of weight last time during this stage. I'm trying to be somewhat healthy about it and so far I'm doing a lot better than I did with Addison. But it's hard. I just want to eat. Salty foods mostly. And I would really love to have a Bloody Mary.

I still feel tired all the time. The stomach bug drained me and now I've had a cold for about a week. I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep. I know I need to start some kind of exercise routine and that should help. Can someone tell me where to find the motivation? Michael wants to buy some new bikes this weekend so maybe that's the kick in the pants I need.

Belly pics coming soon. And I have a video of Addison that I hope to edit and have up today.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

new face

It changes all the time. This is the new face I get when Addison sees the camera. Squinted eyes and a big cheesy smile. I wanted to catch a few of her eating her ice cream sandwich last night.

This is going to be my first official post merging the two blogs. The other one will still be up with a link to the new one. I'm sure this will make it easier on me and everyone who reads.

Monday, October 6, 2008

awful bug

I'm not a big fan of bugs. Especially when they are in my stomach. Michael and I caught something Saturday night. Him about 9 p.m. Me about four in the morning. Let's just say it wasn't pretty. I thought it might be the awesome Mexican food that I had from Campeche Bay earlier that night, but it was too coincidental for both of us to be sick. Daycare said it was going around. We were both out of commission yesterday. I spent half of my day lying on the floor outside the bathroom. The other half was spent on the couch, across the room from Michael on the other couch. Addison probably watched more TV yesterday than she has in her entire life. The bug now seems to be gone, but with hardly no food or drink in 24 hours I now feel like I've been hit by a truck. Completely drained.

A special thanks to Michael. I know he felt just as bad as I did, but was able to dig deep and take Addison to the grocery store for an hour and then outside to play a couple of times. He even went to get soup and Gatorade last night. Just add all of that to my "I owe you" list. I love you!

Friday, October 3, 2008

lost it

My dinner. Five minutes after I finished eating it last night. And then my lunch about an hour later.

The last three days have been a little rough. Evening has been the worst. It starts with dinner and normally last until I fall asleep. I've been getting up about three in the morning to eat something because I am absolutely starving! Last night I broke down and took one of the Phenergan pills the doc prescribed for the nausea . I'm not sure if it was that or the cleansing that made my stomach feel better, but I slept great and this morning I feel like a new woman.

Maybe that was it. We'll see.