Monday, October 20, 2008

18 months

Addison turned 18 months old on Friday. Just like every morning, Michael went to get her out of bed and I got in the shower. He brought her in there to say good morning and I opened the shower curtain and saw this. Yep. That's right. She's barely awake and eating ice cream. Michael said she saw it in the freezer and really wanted some. Only dad's can get away with giving them ice cream for breakfast. It was her 18 month birthday so I let it slide.
Me and my sweet girl. She loves her mommy. She finds it very funny to rub noses and just touch face to face. It always makes her giggle. She's so sweet and cuddly and I love her to pieces.
We went to the doctor earlier this morning. She's still on the low side for her weight weighing in at 23 lbs (30th percentile), but my girl is still growing like a weed. She's 34 inches long, 97th percentile. She had one vaccine and her flu shot today which she was not happy about. I think she knows now they're coming. But she was happy about the lollipop afterwards. I have to brag a bit because I'm a proud mom and this is my blog so I can. The doc was so impressed with all of the things she was saying and understanding. She mentioned that she has the vocabulary of a two year old. Addison was also pointing to all of the body parts on her puppy and the Doc said that was advanced also. Ok, I'm done. Here she is waiting for the doctor.
I wasn't even going to put this in writing, but it's been a couple of days and I'm better with it now. We took Addison to get her hair cut on Saturday. Notice the difference in the above picture. I didn't take her to my girl which was a huge mistake. The guy chopped off all of her hair, it's completely uneven and choppy and she looks like a boy. I bawled my eyes out when we left. And then again an hour later. I've come to terms with it now because she's still so freakin cute, it grows so fast and in two weeks it will look a lot better. I know it's just a haircut, but it was one of the worst experiences I've had as a mother.

On a side note, I weighed myself at the doctor's office. I'm at 109.

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