Thursday, December 11, 2008

Anyone wanna guess?

I just went to the scanner to scan the pictures taken this morning of our little one and it's not working. I'll post them as soon as I can.

The baby couldn't be healthier! Super strong heart, perfect bones and the cutest little nose. The baby was a little stubborn and didn't want to show it's
face too much, but the tech was able to get a flip and a turn there at the end. It's laying really low right now which made it a little difficult to get some of the measurements they needed, but in the end it worked out well and everything looks fantastic.

Enough with "the baby" talk. I was so convinced I was having a boy and I couldn't have been more wrong. We're having another BABY GIRL!!! We're both so excited and can't wait to share the news with Addison.

The good and the bad...I have what is called Placenta previa. It basically means that my placenta is very close to my cervix. 98% of the time it fixes itself as my uterus grows larger, but it is something they want to monitor. I go back in 7 weeks for another ultrasound. This means we'll get to take another look at our baby girl. Yeah!

Look for the pictures soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the more i tried to picture you haveing a boy the harder it was. guess it was just an intuition. so excited another girl!!!!