Monday, May 9, 2011

bald river falls

We took the girls to see their first waterfall. We hiked to the top of the falls and had a little picnic lunch. Actually, if I remember correctly, only Michael and I ate. The girls ate like birds all week.
This was at the top. We even let Addison put her feet in, but she proclaimed that it was too cold.
Addison loves taking pictures with my camera. It's so funny to watch. The thing is huge and she can barely hold it. Since it's a SLR you actually have to look through the view finder to take a picture. Every once in awhile we actually get some good ones. Other than Michael mid sentence.
Some biker dude offered to take our picture. A lot of people don't know how to use my camera so it's hard to get a good one. This one didn't turn out too bad.
We're always in the mountains around Christmas and it's just too cold to get out and do anything. It was fun to do some exploring and introduce the girls to some new things.

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