Sunday, June 10, 2012

graduation ceremony

It's so hard to believe. Addison graduated from VPK last Thursday and we were so proud of her. She got up on that stage and sang her little heart out. Underneath it all she's still shy, but she's come a long way. They even did a little dance with a partner which included bows and curtsey's. The cutest ever!
The weather here was so horrible last week and it was pouring that afternoon, but I had to stop and get her some flowers. Morgan was equally proud of her and so excited to give her the flowers after the ceremony.
I'm in desperate need of a haircut and the flood outside wasn't helping either. I'm so happy that Addison was willing to take a couple of pictures.
Addison and her daddy.
Addison's fabulous teachers, Mrs. Cathy and Mrs. Ashley. They are awesome! They're so understanding and patient with the kids and really do put a lot of time into getting them ready for Kindergarten. We love them and so does Addison.
She was over the hair bow and the pictures, but was super excited to get a new book from us.
Afterwards we went to dinner at Moe's to celebrate.
Kindergarten here we come. I guess I should work on getting her registered. I'm so excited to see what's in store for next year and all of the new things she is going to learn. I know she will do great.

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