Monday, May 4, 2009

Fully cooked

Put a fork in me. I'm done. I've thrown in the towel. I'm so ready for baby girl to be here. Everyone who says the last two weeks are miserable are so right. And to think that I'm going in 5 days early. I don't know what I would do if I had to wait until next Wednesday, my official due date. Last night was the worst yet. I was up three times, tried sleeping on the couch and almost had tears in my eyes this morning. The pain and pressure are getting to me, but I know I'm at the end so I'm trying to be positive. It will all be worth it when we get to hold our baby girl.

I went to my last doctor's appointment on Friday. Everything checked out great so he said there was no need for me to come back. I was up to 144 on the scale, which is 38 pounds total. I'm sure it's more today since I can't seem to stay away fromt he Oreos. Who cares at this point! I told my doc that I was a little nervous and anxious about the surgery, but he said it would be fine. Doc always knows how to make me feel better. One of the other docs in his office (the one I like) will probably be there to assist. Two for the price of one. Doesn't get much better than that!

I'm at work until Wednesday morning sometime and then I'm out of here for 10 weeks. I'm looking forward to some time off with my girls. Michael and I did a lot of cleaning and prepping this weekend and I'm almost done. Just a few things to finish up tonight and then hopefully I'll be able to rest a little. Ha!!!

Here's a belly pic I took this morning. Note to self - fix the settings on my camera before Friday. They're horrible!

We did have some maternity pics taken and I got a call Saturday that they're done. Michael had some stomach bug though and I didn't make it out to get them. Hopefully I can post a few by the end of the week.

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