Friday, November 11, 2011

tennessee reunion

Last weekend we went to Tennessee. We briefly saw family and the girls had a blast spending time with their grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins. But the real mission of our trip was a get together with Michael's college friends and a dreaded TN football game.

After getting the kids all situated we left Friday evening for dinner with the crew. A restaurant where you BYOB is dangerous. Not for me because I don't drink much, but let's just say that others were definitely reliving their college days.

After dinner, I ran over Scott's foot. With my car. He was is in pain and just like we mostly do when all of us get together, we all laughed. I was worried that the next day it wouldn't be good, but it turns out he was okay. That could have been ugly.

Saturday we spent the day tailgating. I was having orange and blue withdrawals. For a split second I thought about dressing the part, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wore my pink tank top and grey sweater. You could tell I was an outsider.

I am in no way a Vols fan and it almost pained me to go to a game, but I do have to say that running through the T is a pretty awesome tradition. It reminded me of the end of 3rd quarter Florida tradition of We are the Boys. So in that regard, I get it.
I survived!
This is Carolyn (girlfriend of Eric) and I after the game watching LSU/AL. She's a sweetheart and let us stay at her house Friday night. Oh, and she cooked french toast, eggs and bacon Saturday morning. That's a host.
I always dread the car ride to TN, but for the most part the girls always do really well. Dare I say it, but this may have been the best trip we've ever had. We left Thursday afternoon and at 9:30 the girls asked to turn off the movies so they could go to sleep. Coming back on Sunday they slept about 4 of the 8 hours which means I got a long nap as well.
It was another fun weekend with the college bunch. There's always a lot of laughs. And now there's the story about the time I ran over Scott's foot. Thanks to the family that took care of the girls while we were off being adults. It was just what we needed.

*A letter to Morgan coming soon. She turned 2.5 on my birthday, but I'm lacking in the picture department to go with my post.

*Also, I committed to getting rid of the paci after the holidays. She only uses it at bedtime and in the car on long trips. Since there are a few of those coming up I decided not to fight it right now. I admit I have second child syndrome and I just don't care as much this time around.

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