Wednesday, February 29, 2012

one on one time

We've recently been spending some more one on one time with the girls. In this case it was a forced situation because Morgan had a birthday party to go to, but it turned out fun for everyone.

Morgan was invited to her first birthday party by a school friend. We've been to family parties and gatherings, but this one was just her and her friends. They had a bounce house and a bunch of toys set outside for the kids to play with, but Morgan was attached to this car. I had to convince her to get out of the car so some of her friends could have a turn. She's pretty good about sharing so she gave it up, but as soon as it was empty again she bolted for it. As for the bounce house. We were in there for about 5 minutes and I had to hold her and bounce the entire time. We probably won't be having one at her birthday party.
While we were at the party Michael took Addison to her lunch of choice, which was McDonalds's, and then to Fort Caroline. She loves being outdoors, exploring and hiking. From the looks of the pictures he took she really enjoyed it. I'm a little bit upset that she let him take such good pictures. And he dressed her so there is no part of her that matches.

She got a cheeseburger Happy Meal and Michael said she ate the whole thing in no time flat. This just goes to show that when the girls eat together all they do is play. They don't eat and it takes them forever to eat the little that they do. She got that purple monkey in her Happy Meal and it's her new favorite thing. It doesn't leave her sight.
Sunday we reversed and took the girls on shopping excursions. Addison and I went to Old Navy so she could actually try on some skirts (she's still wearing 3T) and Morgan went grocery shopping with Michael. Nothing really exciting, but still some time for us to sit and chat alone with the girls. It's amazing how much they can talk and how much they have to say.

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